West Virginia @  Utah

6 of 7 highest ranked recruits ever by Larry will be on the roster next year.

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Basketball (Men) 6 of 7 highest ranked recruits ever by Larry will be on the roster next year.

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    • #93595

      Maybe there is something to look forward to.

    • #93596
      3 10
      Larry B

      You can count on at least 2 transferring.

      • #93600
        Dante Guardi

        doubt it… all of these ones seem into what larry is offering, not sure how this year will be since they are all pretty young, but in 2-3 years we will be a force in the pac 12

      • #93606
        5 1

        reasons why they transfer: (1) either Coach K’s way or the highway.or (2) the team is crowded and they think they can take their talents else where for more playing time.


        either way, not poor reasons to transfer. Every year Coach K has beat the predicted rankings of where utah would place at the Pac 12 so hes knows his sht. and if you want to play but you’re 3rd string, then by all means, why not transfer to a place where you think you can get more playing time? just shows how much talent there is in Utah.

        • #93608
          6 8

          Have you watched the NCAA tourney at all this year? It is so apparent that Utah is soooo far from that group.  I can’t think of anything more apparent. Whatever keep believing this man. 

          • #93610
            3 2


            I am holding out for one more year to see if K can make this work, the way I thought he was going to make it work in 2015.  And I am positive, and hopeful.  However, without the following next year, I WILL BE OUT:

            1. all of the significant contirbutors this year, stay for next year,

            2. the incoming talent, which is significant, must be developed by the coaches, in a way that gets wins, AND keeps players.

            3. we need to be in the NCAA!  The PAC will be down again next year, let’s see K over-acheive  to the point that we go from being picked 6th or 7th, to being 2nd or worst 3rd, with a WIN or 2 in the PAC tourney, and a schedule/wins that gets us into the dance.  I’ll settle for one and done in the dance, next year, but we better get in.




            • #93622
              4 3

              He also needs to stop failing in the conference tournament. It’s been three straight years with a first round bye and three straight losses. He has such a poor record in big games, it’s almost expected that he’ll lose those games.

          • #93611

            Agree. After watching March Madness, it is shockingly apparent Utah BB is light years behind the top 65 teams in the tourney. The BB good old boy network loves Coach K because of his relationships in the NBA and college. 

            • #93619

              I disagree that the Utes are light years from being a tournament team. Oregon just made a run to the Sweet Sixteen and gave Virginia a battle before bowing out. We led them at the half…a very ugly first half but still. Not suggesting everything is rosy in Runnin’ Ute land but if these last two recruiting classes 1. stick around 2. are as good as their recruiting rankings suggest and continue to develop (granted two pretty big ifs), this team should at least be in the conversation for the tourney.

              • #93624

                Jayce played amazing defense. Utah couldn’t score at all again though. Oregon was shooting even worst. Adjustments were made and Oregon won easily. 

                • #93626

                  Definitely not disagreeing there, a lot of improvement needs to be made. We had no offensive answers if our threes weren’t falling or were taken away … and we just lost our 2 best three-point shooters to graduation. If Rylan Jones is a good as advertised I think that will help immensely, but that’s a lot to heap onto an undersized freshman. And if we’re not at least a bubble team come next March, I think changes need to be made. There’s promise on the roster, but it has to be realized.

                  • #93638

                    Seniors the guys you developed for years show up in tournemant games generally. Utah’s vanished. The development of guys is the most concerning to me. 

    • #93607

      Except third string guys don’t transfer. @st and second year guys do. So I’m thinking it’s number in most cases.

    • #93685

      Here is the question though. Who’s the starting line up next year? Timmy Allen is an obvious starter. I think Both Gach starts. Either of Donnie Tillman or Riley Battin will start. Jayce Johnson will probably start at the beginning of the season unless the 7’4″ Matt Van Komen takes his spot. The other question is who starts at point guard? Is it Rylan Jones? Or return missionary Jaxon Brenchley?

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