West Virginia @  Utah

A little fun distraction from Saturday

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    • #178992
      9 1

      I’m enjoying how much the sports analysts and online community are ripping Zach Wilson to shreds right now.

      -22 passing yards in the second half and you don’t take any blame? 🤦‍♂️

      I normally don’t care for Stephan A, but he takes some hilarious shots at TSPP and how they view themselves and intellectually elite players in every way 😂

    • #179012

      I get your glee.  However, I hate to see this board become like CB.  They get most of their happiness when something bad happens to the University of Utah.

      • #179029

        for me it’s not so much about his being a TSPP alum as it is him just being a really REALLY unlikeable person. He’s pretty much the dictionary definition of a douchebag.

        Dude went to prom at his old high school when he was the starting QB at BYU… with TWO dates. I don’t hope for people to fail, but I think it’s hilarious that he is where he is right now. TSPP fans were willing to ignore all of this when he was winning games for them against horrible teams, but even TSPP fans are now openly admitting that he is bad, and that he is not someone they want representing their alma matter.

        Wilson represents everything I hate about TSPP sports. Their players are (like it or not) representatives of my faith, and when they act like Wilson, it reflects poorly on me as a person… but TSPP is willing to sweep all of that under a rug in exchange for winning football games, which is fine I guess until they leave the university, become famous, and no longer have to hide what they have been doing all this time.

        FWIW I think his personality is a big reason he wasn’t offered at Utah. Whitt is the antithesis of everything Wilson and his mother represent (don’t know anything about the rest of his family so won’t pass judgement on them). Knowing the kind of QB he ended up being, Whitt would have likely taken him in hindsight, but I’m not sure he would have been successful at the U for a number of reasons.

        • #179036

          I never totally understood what the scouts saw in Wilson.  But, they saw something.

          His lifestyle and words go against everything BYU believes in.  I am surprised that so many of them look the other way when Zach does or says something but condemn Covey or Weddle for just being loyal Utes.  Fortunately, the CB posters do not represent most BYU fans.  They are the extremists.

        • #179048

          Utah dodged a real bullet by not offering him, I agree he just has a toxic attitude.

          He seems like the current Josh Rosen, I wouldn’t be surprised to see him benched soon, and traded away to become a 2nd or 3rd string and a mid-low team.

          • #179061

            Interesting that we offered his little brother. Not sure how similar his off-field personality is compared to zach but there is still his mother that would have to be factored into play. I personally don’t think is little brother would come to Utah but who know. Just think it is interesting we even offered him

            • #179064

              His brother would still be deemed a legacy kid because of his dad, plus his parents have been Ute boosters for decades.

    • #179032

      Everyone that wasn’t a giant TSPP homer knew Wilson would struggle against real defenses. He is accurate-ish, and has a strong arm, but he doesn’t have what it takes between the ears to get it done. Against horrible competition he routinely forced throws into tight coverage and got away with it because his receivers (mainly Bushman) were stronger/bigger/better than their competition.

      Wilson also a RB in Tyler Algeieieier (that’s the exact spelling, I swear!) that was massively underrated at BYU. He made Aaron Roderick, Zack Wilson, and Jaren Hall look better than they really are (all of those guys were still at least pretty good, but he made them look great).

    • #179063

      It’s going to be an awesome thanksgiving dinner at the Wilson house. 😉

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