Oklahoma State @  Utah

A message to Tony

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    • #84982
      12 1
      Larry B

      First off, let me say that this site is awesome. I came here from UF.N and haven’t gone back since joining. Honestly I don’t even know if they’re still up and running. The biggest issue I had with that place was there seemed to be a group of online comedians who would reply to every post and turn legitimate conversations into jokes. And if you challenged any of those posters, you were basically bullied from the site. So far, this site has been a great place to go to talk Utes.

      With that being said, there are some members here whose only goal are to get down votes. They never have anything good to say about anything and don’t contribute to the site in a positive way. They literally just want to turn Utehub into what UF.N became.

      While I like the idea of having an open forum for people to give their opinions and speak freely, I wonder what your stance is on people who are obviously just trying to troll your site? Especially when they make it so obvious.

      Anyway, just a thought. Thanks for working so hard on this place. It really is fun.


    • #85002
      4 9

      some of us don’t view the world through rose-tinted goggles all the time. It’s not ‘trolling’ so much as ‘injecting reality’ … 

      • #85003
        5 1

        Shut up, PK.

      • #85008
        1 5

        ^ nailed it

        Groupthink is a psychological phenomenon that occurs within a group of people in which the desire for harmony or conformity in the group results in an irrational or dysfunctional decision-making outcome. Group members try to minimize conflict and reach a consensus decision without critical evaluation of alternative viewpoints by actively suppressing dissenting viewpoints, and by isolating themselves from outside influences.

        • #85015
          2 1

          There’s a difference between being a Socrates that throws written rocks at mediocrities and being, well, a troll i.e. you and PK there. The former requires some insight. The latter (you) just says stupid s**t for the lulz.

        • #85102

          going against groupthink solely for the sake of avoiding groupthink is no more sensible or logical than groupthink itself

      • #85012

        Hey PK–

        A couple weeks ago after the Cardinals aquired Paul Goldschmidt, you and DJ spent a lot of time on the show talking baseball.  It was a really fun and interesting discussion.  You guys need to make a point to talk baseball more often.

    • #85018

      As long as the site stays focused on sports, I don’t mind the differing opinions. Once the site turns into the drivel of Utefans that encompasses politics and other garbage, the site has lost its value

      • #85032

        Exactly. Some people can’t hear you unless the both of you are shaking Pom-poms, ferchrissakes. 

        • #85037

          As long as we have some of that based on reasonable things. Pace has totally unreasonable and trollish expectations for Utah as a program. 

          • #85074

            Utah should be a top 25 recruiter – unreasonable

            Utah offense should be watchable – unreasonable

            Utah should be able to hold onto a OC for more than 12 months – unreasonable

            Yep, those are my unreasonable concerns.


            • #85098

              Yeah those are reasonable not what you truly believe or want. Be an honest troll Annarb…I mean Pace. 

    • #85047

      I get what you’re saying, but sadly these guys aren’t trolling.  I get some of the negative comments, but some takes are just very irrational and or lacking common sense.

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