A note on the current state of things.

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football A note on the current state of things.

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    • #169645
      10 3

      I’ve been perusing other message boards lately and I’m astonished to see how arrogant some of these fans at TDS seem to be about the instability in the pac12. As a friendly reminder: 

      – UTAH was selected over you 12 years ago to be in the Pac12. 

      – UTAH literally saved your program from scheduling oblivion by graciously choosing you to fill an empty game (several times) in both basketball and football. 

      – UTAH’s athletic director (against better advice from others) continued to schedule you year after year when they could have just as easily found someone else. 

      – UTAH has kicked your ass in Football for the past 12 years, not the least of which included winning 9 in a row. 

      I get that it’s fun to fantisize about the current instability in college football, at the end of the day, UTAH is the more respected, talented and successful athletics program. 

    • #169646

      Shocking!!! A post from PK that is not calling out our AD not working on NIL deals.

    • #169647

      One thing they need to realize is if USC and UCLA bolted the same time UT/OU did – they would be left out.

    • #169648

      Just remember folks, message board and twitter fans of all teams are toxic. This is easily the most rational and civil board I’ve been on. Apparently Ute fans over on 247 board and twitter are awful. And Cougarboard is the single biggest group of out of touch, goggle wearing fans of any sport everywhere.

      • #169649

        I agree with you.  

        I know and am friends with many BYU fans.  Not one of them acts like the extremists on the CB.  Ironically, they profess to be Christian, but I have never seen a group more full of hate than many (not all) on the CB.

        I asked a good friend of mine who is a big-time BYU fan about some of the things posted on the CB.  He shook his head and said that it was all nonsense.

        Honestly, I cannot say that I have any bad feelings for the family members and friends of mine who cheer for BYU.  But, if I judged BYU by the CB – I would likely end up hating everything BYU.  And, yes there are plenty of obnoxious Utah fans out there on social media.  I don’t get it on either side.

        • #169654

          I try to seldom visit CB (can’t help myself when they have just had a bad loss or bad news every so often) and haven’t cared to peek there at all since the LA schools announced they were leaving.  Just see nothing positive can come from doing so.  That way I can still respect my friends and family members who like to “Rise and Shout” and cheer for their team.




          • #169668

            Yes visiting Cougarboard when their football team is losing is indeed great entertainment. I have laughed myself to tears of all the hundreds of “Flippin fetching!” type of comments. The meltdown is hilarious since it is different. All fanbases have their meltdown moments but Cougarboard is just hilariously different.

            Try it sometime.

        • #169669

          I’m a paid subscriber to 247 and I don’t find it toxic at all. Ocasionally some heated discussions arise, but not too often and nothing to make me rethink my subscription. It’s filled with great inside info. Think of it as having dozens of OnlyU posters who post everyday. OnlyU posts there but not too often.

          But I like it here too and visit everyday. So I get the best of both worlds.

          Twitter on the other hand is toxic for any fanbase. I use Twitter a lot, but to follow people not into sports or Utes with the exception of CougarBoardLoguc. CougarBoardLogic is a great Twitter follow. I wish he’d post more often however. It’s hilarious.

        • #169677

          Did your friend really say it was all nonsense? That part sounds made up.

        • #169687

          I know and am friends with many BYU fans. Not one of them acts like the extremists on the CB. Ironically, they profess to be Christian, but I have never seen a group more full of hate than many (not all) on the CB.

          Where do you think all those Jazz fans come from?

    • #169656

      They are who we thought they were. Petty, insecure, arrogant, self-righteous, holier-than-thou losers that haven’t accomplished anything in nearly 40 years.

    • #169661

      In fairness, B12 fans have been calling us arrogant for wanting the BIG instead of the B12. I think arrogance is in the eye of the beholder. I’d chalk it up to fan bases getting behind their teams. Now if legislators get involved or people start getting beer poured on them, that’s something else. 

      • #169662

        Yes, there are some Utes out there (minority) acting a bit arrogant.  IMO, it’s not a good time to be arrogant.

      • #169686

        The whole beer pouring incident has me baffled. Why would anyone who took great strides to sneak beer into a game waste a single drop on some zoob fan? I don’t buy it. Recycled beer? Possibly. Just saying…..

    • #169670

      Byu fans are enjoying the moment. Funny. I think it proves without question that they are more happy about what they see as bad news for Utah than they are happy about any good news for their program.

      As I’ve read comments on other sites by Big12 fans, they sound awfully like Byu fans. I swear byu fans are going around to other sites and encouraging them to campaign against Utah. It wouldn’t surprise me.

      Anyway their glee right now is funny because I think it eventually comes back to bite them hard. I still feel the past few games against byu the team didn’t have their whole heart into it. Maybe winning many in a row got somewhat boring. I mean last year Utah was still experimenting with the oline. 2019, we destroyed them, but used such a vanilla offense – Huntley barely got 100 yds passing and no, byu didn’t have that great of a defense then – so that wasn’t the reason the offense was so vanilla. 2018, the first half I think Utah was looking forward to the conference championship game.

      This all means that if Utah and byu are in the same conference – even the same division – there will be no holding back. No experimenting with the line. All gas no brakes. Byu should be absolutely crushed every time we play them.

      So keep up the gloating byu. You’ll regret it.

      • #169681

        It’s ironic to see BYU-Provo Campus fans enjoying the moment. Nothing like watching the suffering of others to take your mind off your own suffering.

        Let’s not forget that, when the dust settles from this realignment, that BYU-Provo Campus is still in a dying conference. This move the B1G made has moved their own conference down a notch. They have no marquee properties in their conference and a media rights deal that expires in 2025. Whatever new deal they get in 2025 will be a fraction of the current deal. Every school will take a massive pay cut, and the conference may even blow itself up at that time.

        Nothing in the current realignment scenarios makes the future any brighter for the Big 12. It’s a lifeboat that’s taking on water and there are no rescuers in sight.

        • #169683

          “It’s ironic to see BYU-Provo Campus fans enjoying the moment. Nothing like watching the suffering of others to take your mind off your own suffering.”

          I’ve watched BYU fans online in the past few weeks, and even though I knew what kind of fanbase they are (at least online – I have some BYU fans in my family and coworkers that are great), I am stunned at the reaction they are taking to this. It’s stunning, the amount of jealousy, and desire to “one-up” Utah – I knew it was there all along, but their recent antics has exceeded my expectations of their pettiness, jealousy, and downright trashy behavior online. Utah has really, REALLY hurt their feelings the past 10+ years, LOL. I mean, some of them need to consider psychological counseling – and I mean it seriously. And if Utah ends up in the Big12 and crushes them every November… wow, they will come unglued even more.

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