Utah @  Big 12

Ah man . . .

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    • #127080

      Looks like I missed a keyboard brawl. Anyone care to catch me up in a boardmail?

    • #127081
      Tony (admin)

      Let’s just say this isn’t a good week to p**s me off. 

    • #127099

      I think what people need to keep in mind is that Tony doesn’t owe anyone anything on this board.  He started UteHub so there would be an alternative to the other chat boards out there.  I was a long-time member of UteFans, but quite honestly got tired of being hit up for money.  I had zero problem coming up with cash, but the requests for funding were coming at the same time that board was in serious decline (I had no idea why at the time…RIP Chris).  UteHub was like a breath of fresh air for me and I’ve been loyal since its inception.  I post sporadically, but I do read it every chance I get (about 10 times a day) to see if anything interesting has come along.  I don’t even mind the political talk as I enjoy getting everybody’s perspective on things.  For that reason, I volunteered to be a Mod for UteHub.  I’m trying to get a feel for what it is I need to be monitoring.  I hate censorship, but that said, I WILL move a post about the NBA that turns violently political to the political category where it belongs.  I think a lot of people come here to get away from that stuff and have that category turned off, so I want to respect that.

      Anyway, this is not a taxpayer funded site.  It’s privately owned and Tony can do whatever he wants with it.  He’s been awesome about not banning people or topics and I really respect that.  To be honest, I don’t understand why people would want to get in a big political debate on UteHub OR UteFans… there are better sites for that, no?  But whatever, chat away but let’s at least keep those discussions in the correct category.

      Go Utes, I hope we have a football season and when it all comes down to it we all bleed RED, right?

    • #127122

      Well, whatever happened… sorry I missed the show.
      But I’m sure it ended up just as it should. 🙂

      • #127180
        Tony (admin)

        Things were said. Quotation marks were used. Some were triggered.

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