The average NBA coach is 3.7 years in an article I found from 2019. It was an SB nation article that was using the past decade as an example that included Sloan and Poppavich. The article was trying to say the NBA is improving on retention.
Then I found a Hoops Hype article that paints a much different story. NBA has the highest turnover among professional coaches for the past 20 years.
20-year study: Coaches in NBA have highest turnover among major leagues
Interesting thing to note for Jazz fans was Igor Kokoskov was among those fired in 2019. After one year in Sacramento he went Turkey this past season. Suns are not complaining either as he couldn’t control the locker room I heard.
Now I hope Alex Jensen has success in all his endeavors but it sure feels like he turned down at least 10 years or more of guaranteed stability.
But I am even more aware of the fact that my desires to have him coach the Utes is skewing my view on the matter. I am just trying to rationalize it slightly.