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Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football ANOTHER PODCAST?!

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    • #65808
      War Party U

      Hi Everyone!

      Yeah, I know. ANOTHER podcast? Damn right.

      WAR PARTY U is a fledgling show. We’re just getting our feet underneath us and learning the ropes, but our aim is to provide even more coverage of our Utes. We’re a podcast by fans, for fans, ABOUT fans…we’re not anything close to experts and will not be breaking down schemes, providing groundbreaking recruiting news, or anything like that. 

      What we want to build is a grassroots connection with other fans and explore and celebrate what makes being a Ute fan kick so much ass. We’ll also be connecting with other fanbases, we’ll talk tailgating and game day traditions, and having a great time in the process.

      Episode 2 of our maiden voyage is available on Stitcher, Spotify, and most podcast platforms. 

      War Party U ep. 2

      Give us a listen! We’re always looking for fan stories to tell, so please feel free to connect with us @warpartyu on twitter, instagram, facebook! 

      Thanks and GO UTES!!!

    • #65822
      Hoo Ray Who?

      Side note, this is a project I am involved with. Be kind but constructive…we’re rookies and hoping to create something that we can all enjoy and participate in. Thanks!

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