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Any insight into getting season tickets

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football Any insight into getting season tickets

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    • #137800

      Ive gone to Ute Games for a long time but never had season tickets. This year I would like to purchase season tickets. Does anyone have any insight on how I can get season tickets ? Can I just call the ticket office ? In the past they havent had that option. Or are there any boards from current season ticekt holders who are looking to sell ? Thanks in advance. 

    • #137802

      You can call the ticket office and have them quote you new season tickets by skipping the waitlist- It’ll include a one time donation (of several thousand dollars)

      Or, you can join the waitlist for the next billion years

      Or, you can find someone who wants to sell their season tickets (Season ticket holders can do a one time transfer) There is an additional fee to the AD but I don’t know how much it is.

      • #137806

        One thing worth mentioning. Last season there were tickets released around fathers day, there was no waiting list for this (it was purely first come first serve), also no thousands of dollar’s in donation. I am not sure if they do it every year, I was able to score a seat right in front of my other 2 from that though. I think they did that for only 100 seats or so, worth keeping an eye on though.

        • #137808

          Nothing wrong with sending a donation anyways though.

          • #137813

            Correct. We already send that with our other tickets though. I am sure some can donate more than others, so yes.

        • #137809

          Interesting, they must have had some open up last year. My uncle a couple years ago got a quote for ~$11,000 to jump the line 

          • #137814

            Interesting, they must have had some open up last year. My uncle a couple years ago got a quote for ~$11,000 to jump the line 

            That’s crazy. We just got lucky that one of the seats available happened to be right in front of our existing seats. I verified with the ticket office that it wasn’t just a 1 year rental, and that we actually own that additional seat. Worth keeping an eye on either way.

    • #137824

      Since we’re on the subject.

      I’ve had season tickets for about 20 years.  I come up from St. George and the past few years I’ve been struggling with the decision to give up my tickets.  I love going to games but it’s a LOT of work to get up there 6 or 7 times in three months.  Here’s what I’m thinking: if any of you might be interested in “sharing” my season tickets with me, I might have an idea.  I have four tickets and would split the cost 50/50 with someone, but for me taking on the lion’s share of the cost I would want the #1 and #3 picks of games.  That would give you 4 or 5 games at a greatly reduced price and I’d be able to keep my awesome seats.  If anyone is interested shoot me a board mail.

      • #137837

        You can easily achieve this IMO. I have a coworker who buys 2 of a season ticket holders extra tix every year (I’m pretty sure this person is on UF.N) and another coworker who does what you are suggesting with a season ticket holder. They both got their deals through KSL classifieds

    • #137840

      @utebacker. I would be interested in discussing. How do you send personal messages on the board ?

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