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Any other Nintendorks out there?

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    • #29444

      So, the Nintendo Switch was released today: good luck getting one.  Looks pretty neat.  I am a big Zelda fan, so I bought the special edition of the new game online; however, who knows when I will get a console to play it on.

      Yes, I am 31 and I geek out a bit on video games…

    • #29445

      Man, I wish I had the time to do any kind of geeking. I get like one hour a night after playing with the boy and getting him to bed. I mostly just read. But the Breath of the Wild game is getting huge reviews, some calling it the best Zelda game of all time. Damn, I want to play that game.

      • #29456

        Some reviewers were calling in the greatest game of all time. I don’t have to time to play anymore or I would get it.

    • #29450

      Wal-Mart released it at midnight last night.  My daughter and I went and stood in line at 7:30 pm (for her boyfriend and friend).  They had 26 that weren’t already pre-ordered.  We were #14 and #15.  By about 8:30 p.m. all 26 were spoken for  


    • #29460

      I wish Nintendo would go the way of Sega and pull out of the console race to just focus on developing games instead.  They have some of the greatest video game IPs ever but they’ve had terrible console performance since the honeymoon phase with the Wii ended.  If Nintendo focused on developing their Mario games (Super Mario, Mario Kart, Mario Party), Zelda, Metroid, Smash Brothers, etc. on the superior hardware of the Xbox, Playstation, and the PC platform they’d probably break sales records.  A multi-platform Legend of Zelda would fly off the shelves more than Breath of the Wild already is.

      I’m a big gamer myself and I have collected nearly every console that has come out in my lifetime so I’ll eventually pick up a Switch.  I like its portable functionality.  I’ve gamed primarily with Microsoft for the past 10-11 years and portability is something I’ve always wished they would get into.  Even though I wish Nintendo would stop with the consoles a part of me wants to see the Switch succeed because Nintendo was a huge part of my childhood.

      • #29530

        I agree. There is a part of me that wishes I could play Nintendo games on my PS4 or PC.

    • #29468

      This is a really good couple weeks to be a gamer:

      – A new Nintendo console
      – A new Zelda that some are calling not just the best Zelda game ever, but the best video game – period
      – Horizon Zero Dawn and Nier Automata for PS4. Both look amazeballs.
      – Torment: Tides of Numenara (semi-sequel to the classic Planescape: Torment) for PC.

      I’m limiting myself to just Torment, Nier, and my ongoing Final Fantasy XIV obsession for now, as throwing anything else into the mix would make my brain explode. I’ll get the new Zelda at some point, but probably for WiiU. I’m not terribly interested in the Switch yet, as there’s really only just one game I want to play. If it gets a few more JRPG’s though, I’ll be all over it.

      No, I’m not a geek. Why do you ask?

      • #29531

        So many good games to play and such limited time. I would like to play Horizon and Nier Automata, but I still have The Witcher 3 and GTA V sitting in a cabinet waiting to be played. So many things competing for time…

    • #29532

      I ended up impulse buying the new Zelda for WiiU st Best Buy this afternoon. It’s pretty cool, and I’m not much of a Zelda fan to begin with.

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