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Anyone catch the Spence Checkers interview…?

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football Anyone catch the Spence Checkers interview…?

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    • #116550
      Charlie Zulu

      With, I think his name was Mike Yam(?), concerning the comments by Finabaum? I thought it was a great point-of- view by the interviewed and I wish Finabaum would come across them.

      They basically said he was a hack of a media member and that it does a disservice to the student athlete (not just the Utes) where a media member has a national stage to make such ignorant comments.

      Not sure how to find nor post them, so if you know how to find them, it was a great listen.

    • #116551
      Charlie Zulu


    • #116558

      Yam, Roth and even 1280 said the same thing. But that is BSPN guys for you. They act like they are so progressive and everything. In reality they are the biggest Uber douches and elitists on the planet. 

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