Anyone here into the UFC?

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Professional Sports Anyone here into the UFC?

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    • #21802
      Tony (admin)

      Bride of admin was a world champion kickboxer. So yeah, I keep my ass in line and do what I’m told. She worked out with most of the famous UFC men and women.  We follow the UFC quite a bit.  Anyone else here into the UFC?  I think we’ve seen the last of Ronda Rousey last night.

      If it’s popular enough I could make a UFC category.

    • #21804
      UTE Stuck in VA

      I was a teenager when UFC first started.  I was obsessed with the first few UFCs, when it actually paired different martial arts styles against each other.  Those were some killer (and often hillarious) fights.  Once everyone started doing jiu jitsu and muay thai MMA, it lost its luster for me.  I still enjoy watching it, but don’t follow it.

      Not that this post has anything to do with your original question though. Lol. Sorry.

    • #21807
      Tony (admin)

      Na your answer is totally relevant.

    • #21809

      I love MMA so much fun.

    • #21811

      Yeah, Rowdy is done after last night…  Love Ronda, but I don’t think she could ever make a comeback.  Every top contender has studied her, so she can’t do anything new.  

      I don’t like Nunes.  Her arrogance is way too much.  Now Cyborg, that’s someone I can cheer all the way!  I only hope that Cyborg can one day knock the hell out of Nunes.  Assuming Cyborg can still fight after testing positive… 

      • #21815
        Tony (admin)

        Cyborg is back.  Remember when she fought Gina Corano? That was frightening.  But now that she’s not all roided out she may not be as tough.

        • #21819

          I know bro. I’m referring to her being tested positive on Dec 5, for a diuretic (dht I believe). She could face a 1 year suspension from USADA.

          • #21824
            Tony (admin)

            OH I didn’t hear about that one.  

            • #21825

              Yeah, she seems confident that her Dr can clear her, so we’ll see…

              Definitely want to see a return of Nick Diaz though!

    • #21863

      I practiced Judo for years and naturally gravited to Rousey as the most famous Judoka of the sport ever. Her attitude and poor sportsmanship on the season she coached Ultimate Fighter turned me off and now I detest her. Even I felt bad after last night! Maybe she should have listened to her Mom and every critic and dumped her coach after the loss to Holm.

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