Okay, so I’m mirroring my iPad Pac12TV app onto my TV through my AppleTV. You don’t get a full screen of the video. Sucks, right?
Well yes, but I changed the settings on my TV so it is now in Cinema mode and it is at about 90%+ of my screen. I’m missing about an inch on the top and bottom, and about 2 inches on each side of my 46″ TV. So I can tell it isn’t full screen, but it is definitely better than losing 5″ top and bottom and about 7″ on each side.
Good thing I pay for “online” access.
I wish I could stream it via a Chromebook via my HDMI input, but Chromebook doesn’t have the app available. However it is available on Android, so I may buy the app for my FireTV stick to “airplay” Android devices, I think it may work for iPads as well but probably a different app to pay for…