Arizona Receiver Spitting on Hatfield

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    • #6755

      Did anyone else notice on the first touchdown by AZ that the receiver Hatfield was guarding spit on Hatfield before Hatfield responded with a push and ended up getting flagged for? If Rich Rod is sending in video of Fanaikas hit, he ought to take a look at his own goons first.

    • #6756

      Personally it takes a bigger man to not respond to those type of childish attempts to set you off. I have had arguments with people on this subject and yeah you have to defend yourself BUT be prepared for consequences that are usually unfair. Rich Rod can suck on goat nuts for all I care.

      “God has entrusted me with myself. No man is free who is not master of himself. A man should so live that his happiness shall depend as little as possible on external things. The world turns aside to let any man pass who knows where he is going.”

    • #6757

      Back in the day when I was playing water polo, if I got cheap shotted, I would wait for the right opportunity to retaliate. That or I’d just give hat number to our enforcer when he entered the game. Never retaliate on the spot. BTW our enforcer retired as a Commander Navy Seals, in charge of teams 4 and 10 in Norfolk. Bad ass dude, just lacked soft hands.

      • #6776

        Similar idea in Hockey – 98% of the time the guy retaliating is going to get called for the penalty. Better to bide your time and wait to slew-foot/slash/cross-check the douche when refs aren’t look or are busy elsewhere.

    • #6759
      Tony (admin)

      Send in Buster Matheny!

    • #6765

      Rich Rod s**ts on Kyle Whittingham’s face every year and Kyle does nothing about it. That’s my only concern.

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