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B10 Football Outlook 2016

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    • #9630

      Work with a guy who played football at Bucknell, die hard Penn State fan.  (Apparently Bucknell has a football, ha.) We talk B10 sports a lot.  He believes Michigan will be the team to beat next year. Their QB Wilton Speight looks solid.  Offense as a whole looks to be moving closer to what Harbaugh likes on offense.

      Hard to predict the B10.  Sparty doesn’t look to be taking a step back next year.  Buckeyes always reload and Meyer doesn’t accept positions he can’t have success at.  Penn State, well, not so much.  Think Franklin might be in his last year with the Nittany Lions after his twitter post about ‘no talent required’ for playing at PSU.  Chris Ash is an interesting hire for Perdue.  Overall, B10 looks to be on the rise.  The coaching level alone in the B10 is formidable.  Certainly glad we played Big Blue last year rather than this year.


    • #9633
      Ute Bc

      I would love to see the rise of Big Blue and that rivalry turn red hot again. But I have to tell you if Harbaugh doesn’t beat Meyer soon his momentum will fade. Urban just doesn’t lose rivalry games…

      • #9637

        There’s a lot on the plate this year with Meyer, Dantonio, and Harbaugh. I think things will be very chippy in the B10. The PAC and the B10 go back far with different styles of play. The traditional signature of the B10 is blue collar tough ass, old school, play. I’d love to see a return to that. In fact, I’d love to see both conferences remind the SEC of their delusion that football is and always was the SEC.

        • #9639

          I think Michigan can will with a good HC and win championships with a great HC.  It remains to be seen which Harbaugh is.  I do think he has to win big in his first three years or he will fade away because he thrives on controversy and attention.  As Steve Spurrier said in answer to a question of why he was not saying controversial things about Tennessee and Georgia any longer, “When you are not winning no one cares what you think.  When we start winning nine or ten games a year I will talk smack again.”  And, he did talk smack when he started winning.  I think Harbaugh will be the same.

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