Bag v Loyalty

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    • #237610
      12 1

      Any Prick. Yes I mean Calhoun who loves over the bag after utah turned him into something is exactly why we went 5-7 last year. Spencer Fano is going to be a 1st Rd NFL draft pick. Who will likely make tens of millions over a ten year period. Utah paid him but I am sure there are 20-30 other programs who could pay him more. But he stays why ? Because he is not chasing the bag.

      This is a teach a man to fish program. It always has been. Does Utah have money sure. But we never have nor never will be the big dawgs who have been paying players for decades. We are the teach you about life so you will be successful long term program…

      How to work hard, compete, value teamwork loyalty, sacrifice all of the things these back chasing Calhouns don’t understand. We have sent Dozens of nobody’s and made them into legit NFL ling term prospects.

      Look, I am all about players getting paid. I am all about players taking advantage of NIL. What I am not about lying, manipulation, expectation and feeling like you have arrived before you’ve done anything (See IW). Earn it. This attitude will not work in the real world. NFL or not. And for those of you saying they’d better cash out now. I would argue we (The program) turned calhoun into what he is. My guess you won’t here nearly anything from him going forward.. How many guys who have left turned out better than when they were here ? Maybe Jackson maybe…

      We can’t play this game. If dudes want to enter the portal leave… But, I cannot stand running from competition of breaking commitments for more money when the program has given you everything.

      And before you bring up coaches doing this.. I am talking about Utah. Whitt doesn’t do that.. If you want to talk more New School same with Scalley.

      This will backfire.. CFB cannot sustain this. I will continue to support Utah because I believe in the culture and the coaches for THIS program. But, the sport is set for a rude awaking. We the people control. Just like in politics. We drive the market and people across the country are done.

      majority of these transfers will not pan out… Also F TDS.

    • #237613

      We are watching numerous players acting like Dorian Singer at Arizona. The bag is tempting, but a starting spot that has you on track for the NFL is worth far more than any one or two year bag and the associated risks of transferring. Dorian Singer’s year chasing the bag in USC may end up costing him tens of millions in lifetime earnings.

    • #237629
      Charlie Foxtrot

      Honestly I don’t think the NIL wild west will continue mainly because it’s going to start impacting the big dogs. Do you think that Alabama’s donors and collective are happy this year with what they paid vs where the team currently sits? As soon as a few more Blue Bloods feel the pain of underachieving while over paying, changes will be forced sooner rather than later.

      At some point the players will likely figure it out as well (see stbone above). More money may not equate to better future NFL opportunities. You may end up trading short term cash for long term opportunity loss.

      • #237639
        13 1

        Or Calhoun returns after playing the field to see what’s offered

        • #237643
          Charlie Foxtrot

          I think this is the reality of the situation. I wouldn’t surprise me one bit to see him back after renewed negotiations. It also wouldn’t surprise me to see him somewhere else, BYU or otherwise.

        • #237657

          No way, I don’t care how good he could be. I want a guy that is all in. If he’s not, he’s in the way. That is the mantra of this program.

          • #237660

            Sorry “All in”… is not reality

          • #237664

            Honestly, this is a naive sentiment in today’s age of CFB. It’s a nice statement and mentality but if you live and die by that and don’t let players come back after entering the portal, you are shooting yourself in the foot. Once you’ve committed for the season though, I’m with you 100%.

    • #237641

      There isn’t a single football player that comes out of HS NFL ready. Development and performance in college football, even for the most talented, is a hard requirement just to be considered by NFL and playing time is a critical element of both. So, development and playing time are still an effective recruiting and retention strategy, but you have to prove it consistently or the sales pitch will lack substance. The short play/grab bag still probably outweighs long play/development, but development is a decision factor…at least until the bag grows to be undeniable.

      There are basketball players that come out of HS every year NBA ready or at least draftable. They don’t need college basketball development, but because of draft stipulations they have a 1 year stopover. Kevin Young and BYU fan like to pitch they are/will be an NBA development factory. However, it really isn’t very applicable to top talent when you consider that they are already NBA draftable and will only be developed for 1 year. I have it second hand from Dybantsa’s father that AJ was going to whoever paid the most. Didn’t care about name on the school, development, academics. Decision was based solely on biggest 1 year bag. Here the bag reigns supreme at least for NBA draftable talent and those in need of development are probably not attracting nearly as much NIL anyway.

      Perhaps BYU NIL donors see it this way and are concentrating their donations where it will have most impact and short term returns. Perhaps they just love basketball more than football. However, I think it’s more of the former and that football is more dynamic and higher risk to throw money at and expect it to stick. Development and playing time are still carrots in college football. I would argue that it needs to be promoted as more than this, that it’s sustained and consistent quality development and playing time that a player needs to qualify for NFL and risks losing every time he chases a bag. Question is, can the 18 to 21 year old see it and hold to it. This will determine our fate.

      • #237647

        I’ll add that the end NFL product will be harmed as well.

        Every team should be asking HARD questions to players that have bounced around on why they are afraid of competition, avoid commitment and only look for the short term return.

        • #237650

          Right, this will come full circle in terms of NIL control due to regulation or donor ROI as well as player character in NFL teams’ eyes as you note. NFL team player interviews and research is extensive, they cross off players today for less than team hopping.

          However, we’re probably a few years away from this. As others have labeled it, we’re in the Wild West phase.

          • #237665

            Kinda disagree, NFL execs are generally smart and understand that there are no rules in CFB anymore. These kids didn’t sign contracts committing them to be there for 4 years and are now trying to break the contract. It’s completely apples and oranges from the NFL.

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