Bill in Congress to legislate NIL and the portal

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    • #191103

      If I understand this right, Tuberville and Manchin are sponsoring a bill to give the NCAA power to manage NIL and the portal. I hope something comes of this. It is like I heard yesterday on the radio – could you imagine the NFL where everyone was a free agent every six months, it would be total chaos. If something is not done, college football as we know will be gone.
      Link to article

    • #191104

      and we can trust the NCAA to regulate it properly? I don’t think so. The teams that were cheating before will go on cheating and won’t be investigated by the NCAA. Don’t see how this changes anything unless the NCAA cleans house and hires people with integrity.

    • #191124

      I think government oversteps a lot. This is no exception. Stay the hell out of it. They were fine for years and years allowing what the NCAA did for years. Telling kids to just appreciate their “free” education. 
      Government has also created a huge problem with the Student Loan problem. Almost always government doesn’t fix anything. They just move the funds to someone else’s sticky little fingers. 

      • #191125
        4 1

        That’s what’s even slimier about this bill. First, it’s Tuberville. So you know it serves no purpose other than to line some friend of his’ pockets. 

        Second, there was another bill almost exactly the same introduced months ago. This bill is pointless, except the other bill set up a new regulatory board to oversee while Tuberville’s gives the power to the NCAA. 

        Why? Why introduce an almost exactly the same bill but give power to the NCAA, when they’ve shown to be incompetent? Also, why is FOXNEWS pushing this bill? What’s their benefit in the new bill? 

        What details are in this bill that make this bill necessary?

        Again, knowing Tuberville, who is everything wrong with politics, it’s probably sleazy as hell. 

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