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Bug: Marking as Read

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Ute Hub Site Comments and Suggestions Bug: Marking as Read

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    • #13340


      Hey Tony,

      When I go to the Forums view via browser and click on the “Mark All Topics As Read”, it seems to work, the button dissapears… but then when I go to the Recent Posts view, none of them have been marked read for me. The only way to mark them read is to scroll through the different pages on the Recent Posts area and mark each page as read individually.

      In fact… if the intent on “Mark All Topics As Read” from within the Recent Posts area is to get all of them, that’s not working… as described above, it only marks read those threads that are on the current page view of Recent Posts.

      There you go, my work here is done 🙂

    • #13342

      Since you brought it up…I must be getting old, because I have no idea how to use the forums on here. I have gotten to where I mainly stick to the front page.

      How do I follow a topic and stay up to date on new posts? It’s not like your typical vBulletin site where you can quote and the quote appears at the bottom of the thread.

      Any tips for this knucklehead? Thanks.

    • #13346
      Tony (admin)

      There are two basic formats. The first is the home page threaded view, like UFN.

      The 2nd is if you use the Forum menu. In there is a more standard forum layout.

      • #13347

        In the form layout, is there a way to see only the unread posts?

    • #13350
      Tony (admin)

      If you go to the Forum menu and select recent posts you should see a little red new icon on the left side which shows items that you haven’t read yet. I like the recent posts view because it shows in sequential order the newest to oldest posts and replies.

    • #13352
      Tony (admin)

      Lefty, there are two different functions with regards to new and unread posts, neither of which I think works really well. The new icon on the left is not related to the mark all as read, I don’t think. Now even I am confused. Haha

      • #13362


        Well let me know if you need help troubleshooting… I am at your disposal.

    • #13375

      I use the recent posts, and make sure I hit the Forum, Recent posts and it updates the thread I just read as not having new posts. However if I hit the back arrow, it does not update the recent post thread as read.

      I don’t think that’s abnormal, most sites you shouldn’t use the back button.

      Just my experience.

      • #13381
        Tony (admin)

        Thanks for pointing this out.  So I’m looking into my plugins to see if they can be updated and such.  One of the plugins that does the new posts is not supported anymore and is over two years old.  I may have to disable it. I’ll try and search for something better.

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