Building new schedules/results for Ute Hub web and app

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    • #35635
      Tony (admin)

      LINK – In building the Ute Hub app I’m liking having the schedules and results in there for easy access.  2 finger taps and I can see the schedule. The schedules are hard coded into the app now which makes it a total pain to update. So I decided it would be cool if I could have the results be somewhat dynamic in the app and the way to do that is have them here on the site, and hit them with the app.  That meant I had to build a system for putting in the schedules/scores for the site, and might as well revamp that for the main site as well.  I’ve finished the first step of that process, which is get a basic version working where I can punch in and show scores.  Here it is:


      It’s not done yet and I haven’t even begun to write the code which would supply the schedules/results to the app, nor have I written the code in the app itself which sucks in the results… but it is a start.  For now I have 2017’s football schedule and 2016’s football schedule & results.  Maybe someone can volunteer to do some data entry and start putting in other sports and seasons.  ðŸ™‚

      In the next app update schedules and scores will be updated somewhat live without having to post an app update to the app stores.  

      I’ve also built in not only game dates, but game week opening and closing dates. I will one of these days find a way to integrate those open/close dates into “next game” module which is at the site header. That way the previous week’s game will automatically go away and the current week’s game will magically appear, without me having to remember to do it. 🙂 I still have some code to write for that.

    • #35657

      Thanks for adding the TV info, didn’t see it before in the app.

      • #35666
        Tony (admin)

        Yeah much of it wasn’t available.  Some is not accurate yet as I had to fill in times when they were TBD…  BUT once the whole setup is done the site and the app will be up to date.

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