Welcome to Ute Hub › Forums › They So Poo Poo › BYU Sucks!
I just wanted to be the first to post on the subject. Oh, and to practice embedding a picture.
I was hoping that 10 years from now this entire category would still be completely empty. Maybe we can keep it to two posts. 😀
I was thinking the same thing before posting but we both know that won’t happen.
It’s just too tempting to make fun of them.
Quick! Isolate the virus before it spreads!
Red star for you… oh wait!
Did you notice how you didn’t have to put in width=”600″ for your image?
Yes, that was a nice surprise!
I agree. BYU does suck. They suck so bad!
That they do, Edward!
Just practicing. http://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?&id=OIP.Mb6e2cde14eb31aa9ded7d2033c9d4665o0&w=300&h=300&c=0&pid=1.9&rs=0&p=0
Nice, I’ll try one. By the way BYU is a great place to get an educaton.
trying to post a pic. my first time. expanded version of my icon. no clue if this will work.
ok… how the F to you post a pic. sorry for my stupidity. i clicked on “img” button, copied and pasted the location (it’s on my pc, not a url) and it didn’t work…..
If its on your hard drive, then it won’t work. It has to be hosted online in order for the tag to pull the URL and post the pic on the board.
There are a bunch of free hosting sites that are easy to use where you can upload the picture if you want. Imgur, Tinypic, etc.
thank you !
You could even embed or link Twitter pics.
One look at my icon will tell you how I feel about TDS.
They’re just too ripe for comedy. As long as this category remains ghettoized, those of us who enjoy schadenfreude, can get our fix.