Cal Experience

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    • #14863

      Berkeley, is a pretty cool town.  It would be a pretty cool place to go to school.  The stadium is really nice, except the hard benches.  Felt like there was about 6 inches between rows.  We sat near the student body on the east side of the stadium.  Nothing like our MUSS.  They had these annoying yell leaders screaming all game, telling the kids what to cheer, etc.  The other fans were pleasant, no issues.  I wasn’t that impressed with the crowd noise / support.  Other than that final goal line stand they were pretty ho hum.  We even had people leaving in the second and third quarter  sitting around us.  Parking was a B—-.
      Strange tidbit, Dres Anderson was on the CAL sideline the first half.  Did not see if he went over to the Utah sideline after.  Don’t know why he was over there.
       The Utes traveled well, lots of red throughout the stadium.  It was a fun place to see a game, great game, one yard short.  Still proud of this team and think we still have a shot to take the South.

    • #14868
      Warrior Ute

      I would agree about your overall assessment.  The stadium was nice.  The fans a little underwhelming.  Lots of open seats.  
      I was surprised, I was down a ways from their student section and it sounded like they were using mikes to try to get them to cheer. 
      The half time show was kind of cool.  They have a peewee football groups called the “Pal” Bears.  The kids got to go out and play for a few minutes during half time.  
      Overall the interaction with their fans was pretty good.  Most of the people near me were obviously their to support kids playing and some had no real knowledge of football.  It was interesting to be able to actually answer some of their questions.  
      I used GPS to get there and it took me to the back of the stadium. I thought I was hosed.  Instead I found a parking lot at the top of a hill that cost a dollar an hour, with a shuttle down to the stadium.  It was a quick easy entry and exit.   This was the view from the parking lot after the game.

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