Calling my shot: we lose to UW in the regular season, but beat them

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football Calling my shot: we lose to UW in the regular season, but beat them

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    • #15317

      In the pac12 title game

    • #15324
      St George Ute

      I’d be happy with that. That puts us in the Rose Bowl, as it would likely mean the PAC12 doesn’t get a playoff team again.

      That’s an interesting thought though. Playing the “what-if” game here. “What if” Utah wins every game except Washington during the regular season, but beats Washington in the PAC-12 Championship game? “What if” Washington goes undefeated during the regular season, but loses to Utah in the title game, thereby ending the season 12-1? If other conference champions also have 1-2 losses, does Washington get a playoff spot despite losing the title game? Or does the playoff committee demand the conference champion despite WA’s better record? Hmmm… Interesting…


    • #15325

      Utah has a far better chance of beating them at home.

      • #15328

        Unless Fitts magically heals by the Title game in your scenario. 

    • #15327

      Agreed. Much better chance at home.

    • #15333

      Sagarin has Washington rated as playing the 88th ranked SOS
      and Utah has played the 56th toughest schedule with 1 yard short of being 6-0..

                              Washington          Utah       edge
      SOS                       88                   56            U
      pts/game                50                   28            W
      passing/game        252                 255         even
      running/game        229                 180           W
      pts allowed             14                  19             W
      passing allowed    177                  231          W
      running allowed     140                 119           U

      If Utah can get some guys back and stay healthy I like Utah at home vs Washington.

    • #15350
      St George Ute

      This is completely my opinion, but the one thing that may play in favor of this happening is the status of our team going into the regular season game vs the championship game. My biggest concern with the regular season game against Washington is that we have them after what could potentially be two grueling road games at the tail end of a 9 game schedule without a bye. The guys will be exhausted and in desperate need of a rest.

      We then get a bye followed by winnable games against ASU, Oregon, and Colorado. ASU and CO could be tough, especially on the road, but Oregon doesn’t look like they’re going to cause too much trouble. We may also have some of our injured guys back by the end of the season, so we may be closer to full strength by then.

      Just food for thought.

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