2021 season is one of our greatest seasons and arguably the most special season in history (given the tragedies experienced, adversity overcome, accomplishments).
Cam led us through it all. We saw it on the field. Didn’t see it off the field, but I trust he was the same galvanizing force when the limelight was away. Coach has referred to Cam as a great leader many times and I believe him. We’ve all seen it. Cam is the heart of this team.
Cam had a bad game. He’s had a down year. We’ve all had bad days and bad years. Thank goodness for second chances (and third and so on…).
While this is high level sport that demands high level performance and warrants hard decisions in the interest of winning games, IMO this is hardly one of those times. Cam has given so much and has come back from being knocked down many times and he will do it again.
I know all of us are Cam Rising fans even after last night. In the heat of the moment we may pile on with the outside criticism and call for his benching, but when the dust settles he’s the guy we want behind the wheel.
Whether it’s the rest of this season, next season (if he returns) or wherever he goes we are big Cam Rising fans, we’re proud he’s one of us and we’ll ride with him in the good and bad. All gas, no brakes.