Cam will not do show today

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    • #201309

      Riley said that Cam called him and said that he did not feel comfortable doing the weekly interview today.

      I imagine it would be difficult to do these weekly interviews under the circumstances. Everyone can read into it what they want.

    • #201311
      3 1
      The Miami Ute

      Doesn’t bode well for another year of Cam, does it?

      • #201315

        Honestly, the more Cam can just fade away the better his shot at coming back next year. One thing about Utah. If there is a negative story, just ignore it, it will go away in a couple of weeks and everyone can pretend nothing bad happened.

      • #201319
        5 1
        Central Coast Ute

        I think the opposite.

        it means he’s not playing this week and the longer he goes without playing, the more likely he will not play at all.

    • #201312
      Tony (admin)

      I mean, what’s there to talk about?

      • #201321

        exactly. Kuithe hasn’t been doing his lately too but no one really cared here lol

      • #201322
        2008 National Champ

        The same things he said in the first 6 or 7 interviews he did:

        – He’s close
        – He’s working hard
        – He’s trying to coach up the guys
        – He expects to be back any day now

        Why would it be any less relevant now than it was in August or September?

        • #201326

          I think that’s what makes it sound disingenuous to so many fans. We were told so close and then told just kidding. For Cam’s sake he could have a future with the program after graduation if he doesn’t burn bridges so he needs to walk a fine line. Just my 2 cents.

          • #201336

            The recovery is not leaner, the final steps spread out.
            There could have been setbacks that were not discussed.
            Cam’s ratio of hope to critical understanding may not be even.
            Could the Dr. have given Cam reason to exceed expectations?
            Is it possible he is actually close but continued short of final data points?

            In my experience I give much greater latitude to people that have put much in the trust bank for me. Both Whitt and Cam have very good balances with me personally. I very much wish it was different, I just think I have more patience than others.

            I wonder if it was not for some calling Cam out with different suspicions, if instead we were to give him the benefit of doubt, maybe he would be more comfortable with the radio show and we might have a modicum of more understanding. On the other hand, one could argue he is a public figure, has compensation for that, and should simply handle the call outs as he should deal with booing at a poor game.

      • #201325
        Ghost of the HEB

        What’s there to talk about? Team just had its most complete game of the season. Our safety exploded on the scene as RB. Huge game this week. Cam has essentially been a QB coach on the sideline. There’s plenty to talk about outside of his injury. His perspective on USC is super valuable. I’m sure Bill would agree to not bring up his injury.

    • #201323

      Very possibly Cam is weary from answering the same persistent questions every single interview.

      • #201340

        I am tired of the “answer”. Until it happens it isn’t gonna happen.

    • #201324
      Central Coast Ute

      I think Bill needs to start a Bantering with Barnes segment

      • #201334

        Talky with Vaki
        Oinkin with Bryson
        Tell Us with Ellis
        No Slander with Lander

      • #201335

        Talky with Vaki
        Oinkin with Bryson
        Tell Us with Ellis
        No Slander with Lander
        The Bishop’s Interview

        • #201337

          Ah, older fans may have PTSD from old school Bishop’s Interviews but I like all the suggestions.

        • #201345
          Central Coast Ute

          Lol love it

    • #201339

      I remembered before the season started, some girl twitted Cam had a setback and won’t be starting anytime soon. Some fans were calling her out based on the information we were given and said she was making stuff up. I wonder if she actually close to Cam’s circle and knew the extend of his injury. There are so many different stories from “unnamed sources”, hard to tell what is true or not anymore. I guess that’s the different between “need to know” vs “want to know”. We all want to know more but we probably don’t need to know since we don’t have impacts on the games outcome.

      • #201342
        The Miami Ute

        I remember that tweet from Football Babe. She got crucified for it. Here it is:

        Word out of the Utah football program

      • #201348

        I mean, there is no proof that he had a setback. We didn’t know the extent of his injury until he revealed it a few weeks ago. He completely blew his knee out and his injury generally requires 10-12 months of rehab post-surgery. That puts him back for a November return at best, and at worst, he’d miss the entire season. Nothing about that timeline, or what his surgeon said in the article, indicates that he had a setback.

    • #201344
      The Miami Ute

      Cam also got into the act and refuted that tweet with one of his own:

      Cam Rising Reply

      Of course, we now know that she was telling the truth.

      • #201347

        Is that to say that it has leaked that cam did in fact suffer a setback or re-Injure himself?

        I thought this whole thing has just been a waiting game.

        A re-injury would explain a lot.

      • #201349
        1 2

        I don’t follow most social media stuff. This still doesn’t make sense. I will say this again: I really hope Utah football moves on to Rose, Wilson, Johnson or whatever in 2024. Clearly the team has a culture to move along just fine with this drama going on.

        I am happy Rising gets compensated for this. Not being ironic at all. I don’t mind these kids getting paid at all. Agent played this brilliantly to. Got people gas lit into thinking things.
        Mobile Ute Hub user submitted image

    • #201346

      I would love for them to offer two new players to take their weekly spots. We’re halfway through the season and I look forward to these interviews.
      I just want to hear Utah Football talk and I think there would be a few players that would do an awesome job.

      • #201350

        I agree. Kuithe and Rising aren’t doing the interviews. Give some other guys the chance, like Vele and Bishop.

        Rising has been a great Ute and took us to two Rose Bowls. But, I am ready to move on past all of the rumors, tweets, lies, etc. (I am not saying Cam has lied, but someone has.)

      • #201351
        Central Coast Ute

        I do like Annfernee’s idea of the Bishop interview taking one of their places.

    • #201353
      1 1
      The Rising Cam

      Context matters. I believe this has been posted here, but The Athletic article about Cam’s surgery with Dr. Neal ElAttrache provides some important context on Cam’s situation.

      Here’s the link for those that missed it:

      I believe Cam is dying to get back out there & feels like he owes it to his teammates & the program. ElAttrache has worked with hundreds (if not thousands) of elite level athletes over the years & is doing what he feels he needs to do in order to protect Cam from re-injuring himself. Cam knows this & is rightfully trusting the advice of his doctor. You don’t go to the best-of-the-best to turn around & not follow their advice.

      Highly competitive athletes can be their own worst enemy in injury situations because they push forward when their body isn’t ready yet. ElAttrache has worked with the likes of Brady, Kobe, Rodgers & a multitude of elite level athletes across a number of sports. He knows that he needs to protect certain athletes from themselves, and which benchmarks need to be met not only physically, but also mentally in order to clear a player to return to play.

      I think Cam is likely as frustrated (if not more so) about how this has played out as everyone else is. He is ultra competitive & I honestly believe he felt that if he did everything in his power to return as quickly as possible, he could make an unprecedented recovery like he did with the torn labrum injury. But just like he said on his last interview, everyone’s body heals differently.

      I think he’s likely not doing the interview because there’s nothing he can say at this point that would change the situation. The more you stir crap, the more it stinks. He’s doing a signing a public signing at the campus store on the 23rd so it’s not like he’s avoiding everyone.

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