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Can’t forget our own DWR and others that helped with this

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Misc Can’t forget our own DWR and others that helped with this

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    • #26103
    • #26113

      I drove up to Heber Saturday and three of the cows were literally 5′ off the side of the road feeding.  I was praying one didn’t get an urge to jump out.  I would have been toast.  

      • #26114

        There are still two moose near the Summit so use caution still. They have been up there for a while. Two different moose were struck in December. 

      • #26117

        For whatever reason the wlldlife seems to really like that forage along the side of the road regardless of time of year.  Right now it’s easy, albeit dangerous forage for them.  


        • #26126

          Well the danger for the elk and motorist is they got stuck in the median area between Lambs and East canyon. West bound and eastbound traffic are separated in the area so when the elk crossed over they just stayed there. That is why DWR got involved is because they never moved along or possibly were never able to. 

    • #26138
      Ultimate Ute

      While working for the USFS (1980’s) I helped trap (with nets and a helicopter, a story in it’s own right), tag with radio collar, and release, dozens of Elk that migrated from Yellowstone into Idaho winter range. Mostly the species Homo sapiens needs to leave wildlife alone.

      At the time I lived “on” the Henry’s Fork (two blocks away). I lost interest in catch and release when my son and I would catch many of the same fish multiple times, mostly for our own amusement, as we pretended to to be environmentalists.

      • #26140

        I never thought I would say this but maybe you were fishing too much?  I stopped flyfishing the Green below flaming gorge for several years because most of the fish would just let you drag them in.  The same thing happens at strawberry reservoir.   

        The fish in the green have been much better the last year or so in terms of fight. I do t know why it’s improved but it has.  


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