Captain Marvel…possibly spoilers but probably not.

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    • #92523

      So the story was good if you follow the MCU. I gotta say I didn’t enjoy the acting from the main character. The acting isn’t exactly amazing in all of the movies. I put this movie down there with some of the less enjoyable ones. The biggest knock is no main antagonist. I guess possibly the Supreme intelligence that wasn’t developed really.

      Edit: I guess that seemed kind of neutral after I wrote it. I would say save your money and watch a matinee, or go to it on the discounted days. You need it to watch Endgame though so from a marketing perspective it is like Disney forced you to pay for this movie. Which is genius.

    • #92528
      Tony (admin)

      Last time I saw a movie in a theater was 2-3 Star Wars ago.

      • #92529

        I thought you went to Last Jedi?  So that is only one Star Wars away. I think Solo came out. Well I take my kid to movies who enjoys them.  He loves Marvel movies especially and they seem to always release a major one on his birthday so it works out. 

    • #92530

      I wouldn’t show up until the second hour. First hour wasn’t worth it.

      • #92532

        Well is that the first hour after the half an hour of previews? It wouldn’t end!!!

    • #92739

      I actually was pleasantly surprised. Yes, her acting isn’t exactly stellar, but there’s not a lot of chops necessary for this role.
      And as seemingly disappointing as this may be… well, I watched Aquaman for the first time last night and I darn near almost threw up in my mouth.
      At least Marvel productions have decent scripts, even if they aren’t the deepest of shows.

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