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CB hits new low

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums They So Poo Poo CB hits new low

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    • #222366
      6 1

      Many posters are making sick jokes about Cam’s injury. One poster said that his injury was just because he was doing prostrate exams. They are typically jerks, but making jokes about a team’s QB injury is really low.

    • #222377
      10 8
      2008 National Champ

      Tony really needs to create a forum for people who feel the need to point on the doll where Lavell touched them.

      If you wouldn’t take advice from those people, why do you care about their criticisms?

      • #222383
        8 1

        Their lack of sportsmanship just p**ses me off. Why? I don’t know. I guess it shouldn’t. Oh well. Life goes on. I hope we crush their team.

    • #222379
      Larry B

      They’ve been openly hoping he would get injured since the off season. That’s who they are.

      • #222428

        It is bizarre how cheerful their fans seem about someone’s injury.

    • #222426

      One of the dirtiest teams in college football if not the dirtiest. Same going for BBall as well. But they are holy if you ask them.

    • #222434
      Tony (admin)

      just when you thought they couldn’t get any lower… “hold my ice cream.”

    • #222435

      If you are going to whine about TSPP, there is a category for that (IIRC).

      • #222442
        Tony (admin)

        Good point. Topic moved to the TSPP category. 🙂

      • #222566

        My bad. It’s just normal for me to post about football.

    • #222438

      Best thing to do with someone who has the “little brother syndrome”…just ignore them.

    • #222444
      UofU Fanatic

      Every fan base have their gross fans. Just like that Utah Twitter post someone had here that they were mocking byu coach heart attack.

      • #222572
        Central Coast Ute

        That was a Husker fan. He’s in this site now. He was just trash talking the old PAC 12. Not sure why everyone is claiming him as a Ute.

    • #222553

      I’m with you. I shouldn’t care what they say but for some reason I guess I sometimes do.

      I frickin HATE self-righteousness and hypocrisy which they have so much of. They constsntly search high and low for every bad thing a Ute fan posts online.

      Admittedly we have our X fans that often give them what they are looking for so they can make sure they let everyone in the conference of the next Ute fan that posts something remotely bad. Hell, a Ute fan can sneeze in the middle of the desert and a frickin BYU fan will somehow notice it and turn it into outrage on X.

      They have so little to cheer for so they have to tear down Utes constsntly to make themselves feel better and have such a superiority complex that they are out of their minds OBSESSED to making Ute fans look horrible.

      So what is so frickin hypocritical about this is they have plenty of trashy posts online themselves – especially CB where dozens of trashy comments every day show up. Maybe a Ute fan will occasionally notice maybe 1 in 100 of their bad behavior and repost it on X but most Ute fans to our credit don’t care.

      Yes I don’t care most of the time neither and I don’t try to rally the Ute troops in reposting a bad Byu fan comment and don’t try to advertise to the whole XII conference that bad BYU behavior. But I am so tempted to do so. Just to show the world that BYU HAS BAD FANS TOO!! Frickin hypocrits!

      No, for my mental health I’ll just continue to ignore them online except for the occasional post here. But that’s it. They shouldn’t interest me much more than this.

    • #222560
      Kek U

      Aren’t injuries part of the game? You can watch it, but you can’t talk about it? Cognitive dissonance is very strong with fanatics

      • #222568
        Tony (admin)

        There’s a difference between “talking about” injuries and wishing for them or celebrating them. Seems dumb that I even have to say that, but here we are.

        • #222589
          Kek U

          You celebrate and enjoy a brutal game that destroys the health and lives of the players. Some players even die on the field. All players will have pain for the rest of their life from playing

          You think you are better just because you don’t wish injuries. You aren’t
          It’s an arbitrary line in the sand

          And your moral police about which thoughts are bad is really annoying

          And getting offended by someone’s thoughts is absurd. But here we are

          • #222628

            But you’re ignoring magnitude. All players will pay but injuries increase the amount they pay. Transation: this is a bad thing because more of a bad thing is even worse.

            All players will pay but some players will be robbed of their chance at compensation due to injury.
            Translation: We exchange health and time on this earth for compensation, we don’t like it when people are robbed of their chance at compensation.

            Your argument is essentially “you watch people jaywalk everyday but pretend to be mad when there’s a murder.” I think it’s easy to appreciate how that’s fundamentally fallacious. Lines in the sand are essentially what comprise the entire justice system. Though the line isn’t always clear it’s impossible to convincingly make the case that they shouldn’t be drawn, or even more comically, that you would be hypocrite for wanting them drawn. The internet has a meme for this flavor of reductiveness, you’re “yet you participate in a society” guy.


    • #222624

      Par for the course. That fanbase sucks.

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