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CFB national championship tonight – TCU or Georgia?

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football CFB national championship tonight – TCU or Georgia?

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    • #183991
      Tony (admin)

      Hoping for an interesting and entertaining game tonight. I’m hoping for a TCU win. Want to see someone new, and an underdog win it. 

    • #183993

      I think 90% of the country will be rooting for the Horned Frogs.

      I think Georgia is going to smoke ’em.

      I’ve been wrong so many times this year… don’t listen to me.

      • #183997

        I think 90% of the country will be paying very little attention to this game.

    • #183994

      Have to root for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Go, Horned Frogs!

    • #183995

      I hate TCU. Not in a “I hate BYU” type of way. But in a “we are a healthy rival and I’m jealous that they are having our success before us.”

      It really bothers me that Utah busted the BCS and Boise and TCU get all the credit. Without Utah doing what Utah did in 2004, there is no Boise or TCU. Boise went undefeated before Utah and in 2004 and no one cared. But once Utah did it, and forced a rule change, Boise and TCU really reaped the benefits of that (and now Cincinnati is the new Boise). And that bothers me. 

      Yes, it’s petty. Yes, it’s immature. Yes, I know I can do better. 

      But I’m having a really hard time rooting for TCU. That should be us and it makes me said it isn’t. 

      • #184022

        My thoughts exactly. I’ve always hated TCU and I can’t root for them tonight. While it is difficult to root for a SEC team, I’m going to do it – I have to give credit to Georgia – tough team that has passed Alabama for this season and last year – they deserve a lot of credit for their success. Besides, I’m sick of my BYU friends telling me how awesome the Big XII is with TCU in the championship – let them lose.

      • #184026

        The rule change wasn’t made because of Utah. It just hadn’t gone into effect when Utah went undefeated in 2004. So we got in under the more difficult requirement, while Boise then got in only because of the rule change in 2006.

      • #184069

        Why “should” it be us?  

      • #184077

        I view TCU and BSU (and Fresno, to a lesser extent) as our old rivals but also allies against the BCS. People cared a lot about BSU in the early 2000s. Hawaii was more of a fraud, but BSU, TCU, and we were the ones carrying the flag. I am just glad WE did it first, and we got into the show first, too! TCU was always a beast. They were the one team consistently as good or better than us near the end of the MWC. The whooping they put on us at our place in their Rose Bowl winning year still smarts! I am rooting for them tonight though. They deserve their shot and they AMPLIFY, not detract, from our success as well.

    • #184011

      I don’t give a crap who wins. If you’re not Utah – or doing something to help Utah – then you’re dead to me.

      • #184020
        Tony (admin)

        I feel you on that. But this is the LAST college football we get to watch for many months. 🙁

    • #184028
      D T

      Anybody but a XII team….The zoobs will be insufferable should TCU emerge victorious.

      • #184046

        This. They’ll use it as an excuse for taking last place in the XII the next few years.

        You can see it now:

        Low IQ Zoob: “I’d rather be last place in a REAL conference than the two-time champions of a G6 like the Pac-12”.

      • #184060
        Tony (admin)

        They win nattys in so many ways… pre-season nattys, nattys by association, transitive nattys. 

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