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Comments from admin

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    • #240513
      Tony (admin)

      I have a user who just sent me a note asking for me to delete his account. This is a pretty active user with over 100 posts and been here for years. He won’t answer my emails questioning WHY he wants me to delete his account. I’ve had something like this happen before and after discussion with a different user, they realized their reasons for leaving were misled and they changed their mind. So I have a few comments/thoughts to get off my chest.

      I’ve spent nearly TEN years building this site/app, and I’ve spent thousands of hours doing my best to moderate content. I can’t be everywhere all the time. For that reason I’ve build many features into the app and the website to allow users to tailor and filter their content to what they want.

      Did you know you can IGNORE users? Yes you can! When a site has thousands of users there are bound to be users you don’t want to hear from. You can ignore them! On the website you can ignore a user by clicking “ignore user” just under their avatar on a forum post. On the mobile app you can tap the down caret on a post and tap the ignore button. Ignores between web/and app are separate. On the app you can ignore users without being logged in.

      Did you know you can filter the forum categories? If all you’re here to read/talk about is gymnastics, or football, or men’s basketball, you can filter out all the other categories! Wow. It’s amazing. On the web, go to the forum menu, then select the category filter. On the app go to Settings -> Categories and set your filters there. Filters on the web and app are separate as on the app you don’t have to be logged in to filter categories.

    • #240514

      Thanks for all you do Tony.

    • #240521

      Sorry to see the loss of a valuable poster. The techniques you describe here, Tony, work awesome. A few years I ago I finally put a dude on ignore and it made my UteHub world a much more peaceful place. Personally, I like everyone’s input, even the ones I don’t agree with. It helps round my perspective.

    • #240527

      Thanks Tony for all you do.

      Mental and emotional maturity are way too undervalued in our society today. Something we all should work on.

    • #240528

      Tony you are awesome. But, you can’t please everyone all of the time. Thanks for all you do.

    • #240530
      4 1

      Don’t change a thing Tony. Your site is perfectly fine the way it is. If someone is asking you to delete his account, let him go. This is your site. Not his. And the rest of us here are all privileged to visit it. This guy sounds high maintenance to me. If he doesn’t want to be a part of UteHub, he can just stop visiting your site. I fail to see how/why any action on your part should be required.

    • #240531

      Thanks for all that you do Tony.

    • #240540
      Minnesota Ute

      Bummer, that’s too bad. But if taught us anything, whenever you get a bunch of people together on the internet, drama is inevitable. Thanks for everything Tony, I’m really happy Utehub is a thang!!

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