West Virginia @  Utah


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    • #66621

      Will Someone please explain to me why everyone is now on the CO; ASU train ? I mean CO beat CSU who yes I know beat Arkansa but also lost to Hawaii sooooo. And then beat Nebraska on the road, a game CO was WAY up for and Nebraska was implementing a new coach, scheme and OB and I would argue had the “1st team jitters”. CO’s defense is Horse*****. They always have a good offense. They will be tough in Boulder but at that point our offense will either be solved or we will be in trouble. Our defense (pending injuries) will remain dominant and our special teams will be fixed. 


      ASU. Are you kidding me. Herm has all the answers ? Manny W is a beast, Harry as well but it is the same team with the same  issues each year, they start off winning a game they arent supposed too and everyone freaks out. So in review they drestroyed Texas SA – OK. And beat a MSU team, at home, by a FG who ALMOST lost to Utah St the week before AT HOME. 

      Washington will be our true barometer IMO, win or lose. THE OL is a real concern due to last week also. Huntley was fine other than holding the ball. 

      Washington is experienced, well-coached, will not beat themselves and is coming. They are ready and hungry they know one more loss and there playoff hopes are gone. For Washington it is playoff or bust for them and there fanbase. This will be the true test. The only thing I got from last night is that our 0-line is garbage can it be fixed ? 


      1st- Get rid of (79) he sucked last year he sucks now 

      2nd- use tight ends more in projection. forget the 4 WR sets have Moss and 2 tight ends all the time. They can block or go out for passes.

      3rd. Light a fire under the 0-Line/Harding  

      Our O-line will not be great this year if they can be just good we have enough to get by. One game at a time beating Washington changes everything. 

    • #66623

      It is all perceived projections based on recent performances. Utah has trended downward you can’t argue that. 

      • #66628

        Recency bias. 

    • #66626

      I think everyone is overreacting. Next week will tell me all I need to know.

    • #66634

      Both played decent teams and played well in those games.

    • #66738

      Look at ASU’s schedule…I think it might be worse than ours. They’ll go away soon.  Colorado has some challenges too though not near as bad as ASU.  

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