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CoronaVirus USA Death Toll

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    • #140694
      18 24

      Death Toll is now north of 550,000.  That’s enough to fill RES ten times!


      Please get vaccinated, wear masks, and be careful!

    • #140698
      12 19

      Why is this getting downvotes?

      • #140700
        24 6

        Probably because this is a Ute sports site. We can get depressing info enough on news sites, social media etc. It’s literally everywhere and it gets draining. For me personally sports is the escape my mind needs. 

        • #140701
          12 7

          Hear hear.

        • #140708
          3 15

          Okay, this was posted in the ‘misc’ category and is actually directly related to the the sports scene of the past year.

          Perhaps people aren’t reading the rest of the post? Since that is the only thing that will allow sports to continue?

          Edit: Fair enough that it is emotionally draining and everywhere.

          • #140713
            12 2

            We should be using the Misc category for tailgating barbecue recipes and stuff, not depressing s**t we can read about literally everywhere else.

          • #140719
            2 4

            Its amazing how the same people who protest against your post don’t have a problem if someone posts about anti Mormon bias or anti gun bias in the mics category, why thats just free speach. 

            Feel free to down vote, then take a minute to appreciate your hypocrisy. 


            • #140720

              You are assuming it is the same people. Not sure it is.

            • #140724
              10 2

              I don’t see those posts regularly. Perhaps it is because I down vote and block. Now OldAsDirtUte is good people. I don’t think I will block him for this.

              When it comes to statistical deaths that have been politicized you have to examine them a bit longer. Regular flu deaths have gone down. Covid as the sole reason for death is also pretty rare. It is also much lower than the 2 million projected deaths from the alarmist. Also if you had better leaders in New York and Michigan for instance maybe the death toll goes down. Putting covid patients in nursing homes is murderous insanity considering we always knew the risks towards the elderly(Italy).

              • #140735
                8 2

                Dr Brix saying anyone testing positive with covid but dies of other complications is a covid death. This increases the death toll wrongfully.


                Now add the high pcr rates testing for covid that the WHO dialed back recently it kind of looks like a lot of people were wrongfully diagnosed as having covid that weren’t.

            • #140765

              I’m guessing it is the same crowd that crows for ‘free speech’ and ‘personal liberties’, but works very hard to prevent the ‘free speech’ and ‘personal liberties’ of other people with whom they disagree.

    • #140702
      13 6
      Ute Dub

      Have the masks helped, in a significant way?

      • #140704
        12 15


        • #140744
          Ute Dub

          The CDC data on the CDC website shows mask mandates are a very minimal deterrent to the spread, less than 1.5%, many times only .5%. I was hoping for something more significant, more noteworthy. Sources available upon request.

      • #140707
        13 4

        My neighbor asked his doctor this question.  The doctor replied, how would I know, I am not a politician.  Once politics entered in, truth and reason went out the back door.  If you compare Dr. Fausi’s comments on masks last year on 60 minutes to his comments now, clearly his medical opinion has been changed.  What ever help they provided does not apply to vaccinated or recovered individuals.

        • #140710
        • #140711
          2 4

          That is the nice thing about science; it is subject to change.  Unfortunately, politics don’t seem to function that way (as you mentioned).

          Honestly, neither side (for or against) can claim to know how effective masks are against the spread of COVID-19. There is no great way to make a comparison.  However, logic dictates that with fewer particles containing COVID-19 in the air, fewer people are likely to become infected.

          A crappy cloth mask with gaps will not protect you very well from these particles, but it will do an okay job of reducing the amount of particles that get into the air when you sneeze, cough, etc in the first place.

          • #140738
            4 1

            So does coughing or sneezing into your sleeve

            • #140766
              2 3

              This is true. However, it is much easier to require everyone who enters your place of business to wear a mask than it is to follow people around and make sure they cover their mouths.

      • #140722
        4 7

        Have they hurt in a significant way? I mean I don’t like wearing shoes but when I go into Target I assume they want me to. 

        • #140732
          5 5

          Yes, respiratory acidosis and dental issues which will eventually have an effect on your overall health including your heart.

          • #140768
            3 3

            Wow, what a reach…

        • #140764

          The person asking other people to do something has the burden to demonstrate the need/efficacy. Not the opposite. If the burden is reversed (as you suggest), it could get pretty absurd.

      • #140729
        8 2

        You can find more by looking at Rand Paul and Dr Fauci discussing this subject.  Two doctors, one looking for analysis and data, one citing ‘simon says’.  Not a fan of Paul but he was clinical and we need a deeper discussion as this is not settled science.

    • #140705
      6 5

      October 18, 2019

      Event 201 simulates an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic. The pathogen and the disease it causes are modeled largely on SARS, but it is more transmissible in the community setting by people with mild symptoms.

      weird how 2-3 months later there was a similar worldwide outbreak following everything they met about.

      You should look into Dr. Shiva’s perspective

      Edited to correct website address

      • #140714
        2 4

        I was unaware of Dr. Shiva and looked into his website. Claims to have invented email? Nothing about Event 201, so I assume he had nothing to do with that.  Seems like a conspiracy theorist and sensationalist medical practitioner.

        Everyone is entitled to their own perspective. 

        • #140731
          5 1

          Oh sorry, let me give you the website of event 201. Still pretty weird 2-3 months before the actual worldwide pandemic. Also find it funny the quack fauci stated in 2017 there was going to be a pandemic during Trump presidency. 

          Event 201


          Conspiracy theorist, the derogatory term made up by the cia to disparage anyone questioning the Kennedy Assassination.  Nice!

          ask yourselves why Bill Gates is on video talking about depopulation but is all of a sudden a humanitarian involved with vaccines? Why isn’t he allowed into India and certain African countries anymore because of all the harm his vaccines caused?

          are you ready for the vaccine passport? Can’t travel or shop if you’re not vaccinated. Almost reminds me of the mark of the beast. I don’t agree with Trump pushing the vaccine, it’s pushing medical tyranny. The pharmaceutical companies are not your friend and neither is any politician.

          • #140736
            5 1

            If any of us have an adverse reaction to the vaccine and have a very expensive, long stay in the hospital, why can’t we sue the pharmaceutical companies?

            Thank you Ted Kennedy

            • #140742
              Central Coast Ute

              Orrin Hatch co-sponsored the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, along with Ted Kennedy and President Reagan signed it into law. If your child is injured, you can receive compensation from the government. I believe it’s your right to get vaccinated or not, but let’s be fair on who we blame for the lack of an ability to sue vaccine manufacturers. Seems to me it was bi-partisan.

              • #140747

                I agree with you.

                Your post agrees with with my statement in this thread that politicians are not our friends and do not have our best interests in mind.

          • #140769
            1 1

            Don’t get me wrong; I agree that the vaccine should not be mandatory. I would like to believe that any individual with the ability to think critically about the present situation would choose to get vaccinated, barring any legitimate reason not to get vaccinated.

            However, the choice should remain yours.

            As should the choice for businesses, governments, and individuals to restrict your ability to interact with them based on your choice. If you have the ‘right’ to decide not to do something, someone else has the equal ‘right’ to decide not to interact with you.

            Deflect much? The colloquial usage of ‘conspiracy theorist’ refers to someone who makes claims based on little to no verifiable information while simultaneously denying the evidence to the contrary. I 100% support questioning the norms and trying to find evidence for a better way. But you actually need some evidence….

            Also, you contradict yourself in your own post. You complain about being restricted while simultaneously attempting to provide evidence for why someone else should be restricted.



    • #140723

      For those of you that are so against anything but UofU sports topics, where do you go for discussions on current events?

      • #140734

        literally anywhere else. If you’re a teenager who considers yourself an anti-capitalist, try reddit.

        • #140741

          Yeah trolls of Reddit have the world figured out.

        • #140755
          Tony (admin)

          I’m not a fan of the reddit format.

        • #140770
          4 1

          I agree; you should not use one source for political information, especially Reddit. As a matter of fact, this chain of posts demonstrates that this site has the same problem as Reddit: If you have a different opinion, you will get downvoted and dismissed into oblivion (if you are allowed to post at all). There is no honest discussion or attempts at understanding or compromise.  

          The political landscape of the modern America is reflected in our social media. We are entrenched on our own sides with our own preferred, biased sources of information. This is also very much reflected in sports.

          I know I haven’t posted much on this site, although I’ve been around off and on since near it’s inception. I guess this thread just struck a chord and I was surprised with the response to the original (relatively innocuous) post and the selfishness that followed.

          I like questioning, I like discussion, and I respect your right to a different opinion. Sometimes I am just surprised by the things people choose to believe.

          At least I hope we can agree on one thing: Go Utes!

          • #140773
            Central Coast Ute

            Thank you for posting on this subject. I agree with some of the things you have said, and have disagreed with other things you have said, but from I can tell, we would agree on people should not be forced into getting vaccinated. I also don’t think the government should mandate mask wearing, but if you choose not to wear one, a place of business can ask you to leave unless you put one on. I think where we’ll think differently on that one is unvaccinated people not being able to go places due to not being vaccinated. It is against some people’s religious practices, and thay is protected by the first amendment. Also, due to health complications, some people are told not to get vaccinated. For example, my youngest son has a neurological condition and his neurologist said he is not to be vaccinated because it can cause further complications. It’s not his fault and he should not be ostracized due to a medical condition he was born with. That being said, I am on the waiting list in my county to get vaccinated.

            Like you, I don’t agree with all of the down votes to the OP. I didn’t up or down vote this one since I don’t really think OldAsDirt was trying to push a political agenda. Based on his name, I can assume he is in a high risk category and he would like the piece of mind of being able to live his life safely and not shut in his home.

            My opinions are my own based my own life experiences and not from what I read on the internet.

            • #140777

              Thanks, I appreciate your perspective and respect your opinion.

              I appreciate the fact that there are always going to be exceptions; like many hot-button issues, there will almost always be ‘outliers’ that need (and deserve) special consideration.

              I do not necessarily agree with, nor have I ever supported, blanket restrictions on people who have not been vaccinated. But I do respect an entity’s right to choose.

              This is why discussion along with attempts at understanding and compromise are necessary. A majority of the most heated political topics of our time have valid arguments for, and against. Compromise is almost always the solution; however, it is one of the most difficult things to do.  It is easy to dig in your heels and deny the arguments of the opposition; especially if you are part of the majority.

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