Crimson Club Luncheon

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    • #231330

      Saw the poll regarding Whitt, majority think he will retire. The vibe I got off him today, no way!

      He stated right when he stepped to the podium “I am miserable and I know you’re miserable too, you deserve better.”

      I felt a lot better about things having attended today. Admittedly, I was not enthusiastic about going but I’m glad I did.

      This luncheon was not well attended, and I think we know why. Whitt was very sincere in saying that this was the worst stretch in his entire coaching career.

      Interestingly, he said Tuesday’s practice was the best one of the year and the team is upbeat. There are only 9 players on the team that have played in this game. It’s up to these 9 guys to explain what this game is all about. He earnestly asked that we do what we can to pack the stadium prior to kick off. The team wants it and feeds off it. He said when we played there last time the students were out giving them the business as soon as they stepped off the bus and never let up.

      Here’s the cherry on top, at the luncheon was Spence Eccles himself. I’ve been to quite a few of these and I’ve never seen Spence Eccles in attendance. My theory, supporting coach Whitt.

      My wife and I made a point to go meet and thank him in person. He said he’s 90 and he’ll be on the sideline for the game supporting himself with walking polls, he called them ski polls but he won’t be skiing this year.

      Whitt ain’t going anywhere.

      Rose and Wilson will complete for the job, it may flow over to next week. Rose has been practicing well and was put in against Houston to provide a spark and he earned the shot due to his performance in practice.

      We will know who won the job when the offense takes the field, no need to announce it ahead of time.

      We will be in our seats 30 minutes prior to kickoff, as always.

      What the hell, might as well win, right?

      See ya there.

    • #231334
      Jim Vanderhoof

      Thanks for a positive post 89. I expect us to show up Nov. 9. I don’t get selling tickets to cougar fans. We need to show up and let the team know we’re behind them. Let’s send all the cougars fans home with their cougar tails between their legs. Go Utes

    • #231352

      Utes 69 is going to absolutely LOVE this! 🤣

    • #231355

      I feel like we have a great chance on Nov 9th if they give Rose a shot to start. We have too much talent on this roster. I don’t feel like we will see anything different from the past weeks if Isaac trots out there. He will be great in the future I’m sure, but he’s just not it right now and I feel like the program really needs this game.

      • #231361
        5 1
        2008 National Champ

        Why do so many feel the need to throw some form of this qualifier, he will be great in the future I’m sure, in with any criticism of Wilson?

        He could end up great, he could end up a bust. He’s got 3 more years of college to become whatever he will be. But I’m struggling to understand why we all have to pretend that a below average QB, so far, is destined for great things.

    • #231364
      5 16

      Ok. Warning. This is not a feel good, rah rah, hope and joy post. Just plain old reality.

      I’d like to feel the Kumbaya of the poster. I really would! But….gotta say, just not feeling’ it. Sorry. …..Whitt’s greatest talent is spewing hog wash. And I’m not buying any more of it.

      He had a couple of good, lucky years. Good for him. And us. But those days are over. Fini. Gone. The cupboards are bare. Next man up… There is no next man.

      He says he is “miserable’. Right! With a hefty 3 more years left on his contract, paying out more than $20 million dollars I’m sure his suffering is terrible. Does he feel bad enough to say, “I think my time may be over. Let’s bring in new talent for Utah to succeed.” Naw, I’m not hearin’ anything like that. … he’s not goin’ anywhere as the poster stated.

      So, prepare yourselves for 3 more years of decline. 4 wins this year, and then you all do the math yourselves for the next 3 years.

      So sorry for Spence Eccles in his last years to have to witness such ineptitude. He truly deserves better!!

      I know I’ll get bashed. Debbie downer. So be it. But facts are facts and truth is truth.

      • #231373
        Ute Dub

        After reading, “he had a couple of good lucky years”, I didn’t need to read the rest of the post.

      • #231374

        Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.

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