West Virginia @  Utah

Curtains Are Down

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    • #185921

      The Huntsman Center curtains are coming down for the rest of the season. $5 GA tickets.

      Will everyone do me a favor? Spend $5 and come to a basketball game. We need to show Harlan that taking down the curtains was the right move. Oh, and the team isn’t bad either.

    • #185922
      Tony (admin)

      I think you mean going up, but cool!

    • #185926
      The Miami Ute

      I think it’s a totally calculated move on the Utes’ part, considering that the only two remaining home games are against UCLA and USC. I can easily predict that all those people buying the $5 GA tickets will be moving down to the lower bowl for a better view of the games.

      • #185938

        Oh I hope you’re right. I think that should be a universal rule at all sporting events: If you’re not there 1/4 of the way into the game, anyone can move into your seats. The way I see it, if you don’t care enough to get there a quarter of the way into the contest, then you don’t care about where you sit either.

        So yes, everyone buy GA tickets and move down. There’s always a couple seats to my immediate right.

    • #185927

      I was thinking about it recently, and was hoping they would do upper bowl as general admission for free. $5 is still a great price, especially for some games that can make or break a chance at the tourney

    • #185928
      Ted Lasso

      Even though I’m a BYU fan, I’ll be attending the UCLA game. Figured it would be a good time to see one of the top teams in the country come to SLC and I think Utah can give them a game. I won’t be one of those annoying fans that wears BYU stuff and I won’t cheer against Utah. I’m just gonna sit there quietly and enjoy some high quality basketball 😎

      • #185933

        @Ted Lasso. I wish there were more Ute fans like you.

      • #185937

        Ofttimes when I am at a bar watching a Utah student athlete experience on the telly, someone will ask if our school is in Provo. Rather than correct them, i have taken to responding with, “I’m not sure” or “Maybe.” That leaves ’em guessing.

        • #185940
          1 1

          Also, the entire breadth of the world’s knowledge is in your pocket on that Facebook viewing device.

      • #185944

        Ted, come and cheer against UCLA if anything.  Best non-Utah game I ever attended was Wyoming taking down the Bruins in a tourney game in the Hunty.  And before that UCLA lost to DePaul in the Marriot Center when the Bruins disrupted the BYU dancers half time show and the previously neutral crowd cheered loudly for Depaul in the second half. 


        • #185946

          Their point guard has the finest dreadlocks I have seen within sporty sports, by the way.

    • #185954

      Looks like there’s several NBA all star events at the Huntsman this weekend starting with the NBA All Star celebrity game Friday.

      NBA All-Star games bouncing onto campus

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