Good hell though the NBA is hard to watch. Blazers are stone cold frozen not hitting shots. Jazz are getting hacked and pushed around. You can’t even touch the Blazers.
Call it both ways is all I ask. I mean after that Mitchell 3 Lillard immediately starts bitching. Just shut it down refs. They let them talk and talk until they say no you can’t anymore.
Ingles and Korver. Liability defensively and can’t make s**t tonight. That’s the trade off during this run one has been on at least to cover for their terrible d. Not tonight.
No I don’t know if the All star break will help him or not. He seems to be on a rapid decline. Korver was so bad on both ends tonight. That run by Nurkic when he should have been in foul trouble really hurt the Jazz.
Mitchell not getting two dumb fouls he probably drags the Jazz to a win. Drops like 40 or so probably a win. That is mostly his fault on those two fouls I can remember.