Dart vs. Costelli

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    • #133571

      I know this has been discussed numerous times, but I really hope the coaching staff is making the right decision prioritizing Costelli over Jaxson Dart.
      I noticed while looking at Cope’s ranking that Dart’s has leaped significantly and Costelli’s is the same or worse. I assume this has a lot to do with one having a senior season while the other has not, but I don’t know enough to say. Thoughts? I hope I am just overthinking this, as I do trust our coaching staff and they seem to be killing it in recruiting this cycle. I’d just hate to miss on what would be a huge boost to this class.

    • #133574

      Costelli is a top flight recruit, and as long as he’s solidly a Ute, I don’t see a spot opening up for Dart. The scuttlebutt is that Dart wants out of Utah. We very well could see him on the sidelines in Los Angeles, Pasadena, Eugene, or Seattle. Depending on his grades, it could be Berkeley or Stanford. (Edit: Yale has offered him, so his grades are pretty damn good.)

    • #133577

      I like local legacy kids like Dart.  He is a stud and has the body of a man.  I have watched him play numerous times and have always been impressed.  He was the QB on a national top-ten high school team that dominated the state championship game.

      I am not saying I am right, it is just my opinion that we should recruit Dart aggressively.  I won’t be surprised to see Jaxon playing on Sunday in the future.

      Go Utes!!!


      • #133578

        I don’t disagree with you. The problem seems to be that QB recruits (and maybe some other positions) want to be the only recruit a school signs (I guess, unless you are an elite school or ASU, which somehow signed three solid qbs a couple years ago, including Daniels).

        With the transfer rules, it seems like the recruits would not make such a big deal of it – if you don’t get the starting job, just transfer, that seems to be what is happening anyway. That said, my understanding is that the U cannot recruit/sign both Costelli and Dart. In a perfect world, we would sign them both, let them battle, and the loser can transfer (or be a backup or switch positions). Alas, I don’t think that is reality.

        And the other consideration, as mentioned above, is that Dart may not even want to stick around (even though he is a legacy kid). That happens. 

        • #133599

          Because Costelli has not had a senior season, it may be useful to compare the two as juniors.  With Rising in the program, it does not make sense to have more than 1 QB per class, they still compete.  There are too many needs to be redundent here.  But I think the critical difference between the two is Costelli has expressed great desire to come here and Dart has not, even from the begining.  We need to stick to the good fortune we have with Costelli and not be concerned with other thin maybes.  With our QB situation for next year so unclear, possibly Costelli will forgo his spring HS season, which may or may not happen in Cali, and join us for spring as he originally planed to do.

    • #133579
      6 5

      With Harding as our OL coach, we need a QB with 4.4 speed, which costelli has

    • #133580
      Central Coast Ute

      Here’s my thinking. Costelli seems to be a lock for the Utes on signing day. Obviously it’s never over until he signs, but he seems locked in. Why risk losing him by going after Dart? Dart is not a lock for the Utes. If they choose to recruit Dart heavily, Costelli leaves and Dart goes elsewhere, Utah is in a bad spot. Like you said, Dart has had a senior season and Costelli hasn’t and by the way things are looking, probably won’t. Oh well. Utah is doing the right thing by sticking with they guy that is committed to them.

      • #133596
        Tony (admin)

        We played that game before and lost. 

        • #133600

          How did we lose? Tuttle wasnt playing ahead of Huntley. So hed have 2 games at most now. And he looked awful in the fall scrimmage. He doesnt even start at iu. Id say we came out just fine.

        • #133602
          Central Coast Ute

          I get that argument but what should the Utes do? I don’t think losing Costelli to go after a kid that wants to leave the state and hasn’t shown intrest in Utah anyway is an good strategy.

        • #133610

          Well to be fair, Dart wasn’t as half as committed to wanting to play at Utah as Wilson

    • #134844

      FWIW, Dart did sign with USC in case any of you haven’t heard.

      Speculation over. 🙂

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