Details about Rose’s injury makes me even more disappointed in our coaching staff

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    • #233574
      16 1
      Tony (admin)

      Rose’s mom:

      Prayers for Brandon please 🙏. Brandon will be having surgery today. In Sat night game in the 2nd quarter just before half time, he tore is lisfranc ligament. They gave him heavy pain meds and a steel plated insole so he could continue playing.The Dr couldn’t believe he he was really even able to walk. This is extremely painful and your foot is totally unstable. Fortunately with surgery he will make a full recovery and come back stronger than ever. I will be with him in Utah for a few days to help out. We so appreciate all the calls, text, messages and support.

      So Rose was injured late in the 2nd quarter. No wonder we didn’t score any points in the 2nd half. Another coaching FAIL. Once again we leave a gimp QB in for more than an entire half a winnable game when we could have brought Wilson or someone esle in. Unbelievable. This coaching staff is blowing my mind with their failure to be able to see the obvious with their eyeballs and use their brains.

    • #233579

      Utah is out of QBs. Wilson is hurt Huard is hurt Rose hurt Rising hurt. What are they supposed to do??? Wildcat or Bottari??

      • #233588
        Tony (admin)

        Hell. Run the wishbone?

        • #233599
          2008 National Champ

          Tao Johnson was a QB in high school. Surely you could come up with some option packages with him. Run it enough times and Singer will be open on the backside post. Essentially a stripped down version of what Oregon ran with Anthony Brown in 2021 that got them to the CCG before running into the Utah buzzsaw. But it should be enough to win 2 of the last 3 games if you absolutely had to. I mean, when the bar is set at around 17 points based on what the “real” QB’s have provided in conference play.,,

          It certainly couldn’t be any worse than thinking Kendall Thompson was a legit D1 QB who could win you games.

    • #233581
      3 1

      There was an incident with Wilson in the days leading up to the game. I’m a little surprised he dressed. The leadership council basically voted him off the island. I’m not sure where that leaves things going forward, but I’m not sure the coaching staff felt like they could have put Wilson in the game. That might have led to some poor decision making regarding keeping Rose in the game. Whit did say publicly they would move forward with Wilson and Bottari this week, so I guess we will see what happens. Maybe Bernard also got some time at QB in high school?

      • #233582

        Not doubting you, but where does the info about an incident with Wilson come from?

        • #233587

          Someone on the training staff. I’m hoping the bad feelings have been exaggerated, but at this point, who knows?

      • #233583
        Tony (admin)

        Tell me more about this incident.

      • #233609
        2008 National Champ

        I’ve pointed out that the last two games whenever I see Wilson on the sidelines he has his helmet on, almost as a talisman against his teammates. I’m obviously reading into it but with his body language and the things we are now hearing, it seems I was right to think the helmet being on wasn’t a sign that he was ready to go into the game at any point.

        Against SUU and Baylor, even through Okie State Wilson was always around the other QB’s with a big smile on his face. Lately he’s looked like he’s being bullied and has no option but to stand there and take it because no one is coming to his defense. We all saw that as kids when someone who got picked on a lot would pull his hood over his head while standing in the bus line hoping to be able to hide in plain sight and not incur any more wrath.

    • #233584


    • #233585
      Tony (admin)

      So if Wilson was hurt or in the dog house, you bring in someone else, right? I mean, isn’t it a disservice to the injured player to leave him in? He could get really hurt if he’s not able to run or move to avoid contact.

    • #233590
      The Miami Ute

      Jesus, Mary, and Joseph…how is this possible?

    • #233591

      Explains why all the sudden Rose’s good runs disappeared and he didn’t even try. Those were eating up some significant yards.

      • #233605
        2008 National Champ

        But it’s even more of a coaching failure because when they did run Rose, it was in high leverage situations. There was at least one 3rd and medium that a designed QB run was called.

        I will say this in the coach’s defense. I don’t think you can diagnose Lisfranc without an MRI. So it comes down to what the player is reporting as far as pain. And if the player downplays it to the point where the training staff believes they don’t need to at least do a quick X-ray and can get away with maybe an anti-inflammatory and whatever pain meds they thought best (certainly not something like Dilaudid – which I recommend for everything that ails you).

        Halftime is only 20 minutes and the medical staff probably had half of that to diagnose, treat, and get him over to his position group for the 2nd half. If you went in to your doctor and downplayed all of your symptoms, can you really expect them to make the right diagnosis? I agree Whitt has made mistakes, and letting his QB’s decide when they are capable is definitely one of them. But I just don’t see him ignoring medical advice and sending an injured player back out there. Especially with the number of starters who have sat for a game or two this year while receiving treatment for non season ending injuries.

    • #233597
      Jim Vanderhoof

      Unbelievable. Not only the injury but the fact he stayed in the game. I’m a huge Whitt fan and rarely question his decisions. The ASU game it was clear Rising couldn’t grip the ball and throw. Playing hurt leaves you susceptible to getting injured worse or hurting something else protecting the other injury. A QB that can’t throw plant or run is done period no questions asked. It was a huge coaching blunder.

      Fast forward to BYU game. Again you’re putting your QB in a bad spot. Can’t run or plant. Making the same mistake twice is inexcusable. It’s time to step aside and let Scalley try and keep the wheels from falling off. The Rose debacle is the last straw for me.

    • #233598

      Wow! Poor kid.
      This team’s poor fortunes are mind blowing.
      Kuithe comes back after a year and a half (knee), injured and out for the year(knee).
      Rising comes back after a year and a half (knee), injured and out for the year(knee and fingers).
      Rose comes back after being out part of last year, finally gets some playing time and injures foot, out for the year.
      Kenan Johnson transfers for senior season and is injured in his first game, out for the year (knee leg?)
      Pittman injured most of last year, apparently injured and left team.
      Glover, benched for most of the year, starts to see playing time and leaves team.
      Those are just some that I can think of, missing on list is Karene Reid, O’toole, other defensive players.
      We need some kind of sĂ©ance or ritual to bring back some good luck. Didn’t McBride used to dabble in some of the dark magic? Bring him in as a consultant?

      • #233638

        They need to bring Larry K back in with his sweet grass and smoke out the football facilities!

        • #233657
          Jim Vanderhoof

          We need to bring in snoop dog and smoke out the fan base. Might be the only high we get all year.

    • #233601

      Money Parks also gone for the year (hurt in TCU or Houston game)

      I remember the time we were out about 5 RB and McBride had Ben Moa change from TE to RB. Will never forget his (third) overtime TD in Colorado Springs out of the Wildcat formation then the subsequent jump pass to win it.

      • #233641

        The jump pass was not done during McBride’s time. It was an Urban Meyer/Dan Mullen play with Ben Moa.

    • #233602

      “It’s gotta be the shoes!”
      -Spike Lee

    • #233603
      3 1
      Roy Rangum

      This is two games now where they kept playing QBs that had already incurred season ending injuries. WTH?!?! This is unacceptable for so many reasons.

    • #233608
      4 2

      I’m getting the vibe that his mom was displeased with how this was handled, and I don’t blame her. We dose him up with some pain meds and trot him back out there? I’m sure he was asking to keep playing like Cam did against ASU, but the adults in the room have an obligation to protect their players from themselves. Failing to do that twice now is truly disgusting. It really makes me lose some respect for Whitt and that is unfortunate

      • #233625
        6 1

        The real question is, would playing make it worse?

        If the answer is yes, then the coaches f**ked up.

        If the answer is no, then the next question is, does Rose want to play?

        If the answer is yes, then the coaches didn’t do anything wrong.

        • #233629

          I would say Utah coaches didn’t do anything wrong until you watch how Rising played. He clearly couldn’t grip the ball and could not plant his foot.
          For totality of the situation you have to assume they were blind or inept.

          Rose wasn’t as obvious to me truthfully.

          Utah coaching has been inept for sure but I would say they are choosing to ignore player safety to try and win games.

    • #233613
      2 1

      About to come post the same thing. Is this because we are viewing them as semi pros now? They get paid so cart them out to play?

      This s**t is disgraceful. Fire Harlan immediately! This is the first step to eliminating a culture that allows this sort of behavior.

    • #233615
      5 3

      This is the tipping point for me. I’m done giving any benefit of the doubt to the coaching staff re: the onslaught of injuries the teams have suffered over the past several years. This is reckless and shameful–revelatory of the coaches utterly failing to prioritize player health and well-being.

    • #233617

      He’ll be the first to tell his mom it was his choice to go out there, and I’m sure it was. But damn if they knew the specific injury you’ve got to throw in botari

      • #233649
        2008 National Champ

        Bottari should have been a legitimate option after game 3. He’s got the Drew Lisk magic and Whitt’s keeping that genie in the bottle to his own detriment. Unleash the beard!

    • #233619
      Rick Walker

      This is the same injury lander had.

    • #233621
      5 2
      Utes 69

      not looking back too far and not putting a lot of thought into this. coaches ran Zach Moss to the ground, Rising to the ground Kuithe to the ground, now Rose. what a pathetic offense minded staff! it all starts with the head man Mr Whitt must go home now.

    • #233623
      Utes 69

      just to name a few by the way.

    • #233627

      I would imagine Rose didn’t want to be taken out and when the pain meds kicked in he thought he was good enough to okay. Considering he has been in the program for three years and he finally got his shot why wouldn’t he want to stay in.

      Would any of us had done any differently if we were in his shoes?

      • #233634
        3 1
        Tony (admin)

        No. Any of us who played football at any level have probably done the same. But he’s not the coach. The coach has to use his eyes and brain to determine if that player should be playing or not, and whether or not that player is the best option. Perhaps even even though he was injured, he still was the best option?

    • #233651
      2 1

      Is that insinuation from the mom that hey forced him to play or something? I don’t think Whitt and co would ever do something like that.

      • #233692
        3 3

        I absolutely think Whitt would do that, especially the way he hides all injury information unless it is 100% out of his control. He’s built from football in the 70’s and 80’s. They were all like this.

        Past players I’ve talked to said that when the training staff says any timeline, he takes the best case scenario and holds the players to it. 3-6 weeks? he expects you practicing and playing by week 3.

        Just look at Rose, Rising, Pittman and how their injuries were bad and they drugged up and played anyways? That’s on the coaches.

        • #233702
          4 1

          Hogwash. If that were the case, Cam would have played last year. I used to be quite connected to the program and Whit DOES NOT play players if the medical staff AND the player feel that can’t go. S**t like this is libel unless you can provide evidence JS

        • #233728

          Here is what Mama Rose said.. Note the No one knew the extent comment.

    • #233678

      Not that it really matters, but did Rose get hurt on the wildcat play to Kuithe by the goal line. I thought I recalled Rose being lined up at wide receiver on that play and engaging with a byu defender and got tossed to the ground. Seems like he was limping afterwards. I could totally be wrong on this though, I’d need to go back and watch the game, which I don’t want to do.

      • #233683
        2008 National Champ

        There’s a clip of the play on another thread but it’s from a phone on the wrong side of the field. not sure you would be able to see action involving Rose. It was the Kuithe 2nd TD thread

    • #233697
      3 2

      We sure seem to be doing a lot of jumping around here lately, to conclusions with no evidence. How do we know Rose isn’t the one who hid the injury, or sold it as less then it was? We can blame the coaches, but just a month ago we were all in a rage because they, according to some, “weren’t straight forward with how long Cam was going to be out last year”.

      So which is it? Are they hiding injuries to keep players playing or to keep them from not playing?

    • #233708

      Spence Checketts said on his show today that he spoke with someone within the program that would know what happened (privately) and they told him that what Rose’s mom said is completely false and they are questioning if the account that it was posted from is really his mom.

      Just to throw one more twist on all this.

      • #233709

        Problem is it’s clearly her account.

        • #233710

          Just reporting what was said.

          Problem is, someone is lying.

      • #233730

        Yes, because someone other than family would have a picture of him in the recovery room right after surgery. Jesus you guys are really stretching this.

    • #233717

      Look, undeniably with all these issues, Whittingham is losing credibility fast. And nationally, Harlan’s image has taken a beating and is now UNsurprisingly right up there with Whitt.

      Our team, fans, community and state expect and demand better. The question is, WILL THE UTE FANBASE REMAIN COMMITTED to this brand of ineptitude and leadership that is markedly underperforming at best, or teetering on total incompetence and embarrassment at it’s worst?

      What say you, fellow ute aficionados?

      • #233724

        I wholeheartedly reject the short-term-memory, “what have you done for me lately”, rats jumping off of a ship when they feel a drop of water idea that this staff is inept. The thing about riding or dying is that sometimes you’re riding, and sometimes you’re dying. It’s important to realize you have to give your confidence and support through both. I remember an angry (and paraphrased) Saban rant saying that nobody wants to win more than the players, and nobody feels worse than they do when they lose.

        While the staff takes a beating for on the field performances, understand that for every well compensated coordinator or admin there are a dozen people with families who make much less but will be equally unemployed (and looking for jobs, possibly new schools for their kids, different places to live, etc.) should a new regime come in with their own philosophies and staff. Mike Norvell still has a job, so let’s maybe pump the brakes.

        Yes, the playcalling on offense has been conservative to bad this year. Playing Cam Rising on a 4th and 9 when he can’t throw to hit the first down marker was the worst. HOWEVER…in their defense, some of the Ludwig hits have included Vaki conversion to offense, Covey (originally played QB – Ute staff said screw it let’s get this guy on the field), picking up a tight end from San Diego University and flipping him to a first rounder, Ja’Quinden Jackson as a very good running back, and Logan Kendall going from a tight end at Idaho to spending 2022 providing CTE researchers with new samples. Ludwig stunk this year, and his mea culpa is that he’s now unemployed.

        I’ll end with this: Utah as a program is much more respected across the country and by national media than you would have ever thought ten years ago, and that is because of the “embarrassment” of a coaching staff. Utah got better each year in the PAC12 until they had the players to enforce their identity, and that led to the majority of games being a spectacle of watching both offense and defense absolutely bully more talented teams. “tHe PaC12 wAs SoFt” I hear you say. Cool dude. At the end of the PAC12, four current BIGXII members had winning records against the conference. If you only consider teams with more than 50 games against members, that number falls to Texas Tech at 39-20. Cincy had the best record at 6-2. The Zoobs had the second-to-worst, with a 37% win rate. Worst if you remove UCF, as they only have 3 games on their record.

        Go Utes

      • #233734

        First couple weeks after the season ends are going to be interesting to watch. Does KW hang it up or play through on the end of career rehab tour? Does MS stick around or jump ship to a stable, supported G5 head coach job. Who’s the new OC? Where is Harlan when the season ends? One constant in all the turmoil is fan support. TCU game was awesome and from the couch the BYU game looked electric. The foundation is in place for Utah to get back on track.

        • #233746
          2008 National Champ

          Add in Arizona. It was plenty loud until Fifita tossed a couple of daggers to effectively end the game. Fan support has not been the issue which is why it’s so strange that people bring it up.

          If there’s a problem getting people into their seats, or them leaving before the final whistle, start looking at logistics and game times before blaming fan involvement.

    • #233719
      Rick Walker

      She just gave an update on twitter basically saying he just had the surgery, and that nobody knew his injury was this bad until Monday. So to me it sounds like she’s not trying to blame the coaches but more so just went into mama bear mode and wants her son to be safe.

      • #233722
        2008 National Champ

        They gave him heavy pain meds and a steel plated insole so he could continue playing.The Dr couldn’t believe he he was really even able to walk.

        • #233732

          Her second update on Twitter makes it clear that no one knew how bad it was Saturday.

          Her first update probably meant that the doctor couldn’t believe he was able to walk after the Lisfranc fracture was diagnosed on Monday.

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