Disappointed regarding healthcare options

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    • #31675
      Tony (admin)

      Disclaimer: I claim no affiliation with either party. I’m disappointed in both parties and how non-productive the system has become.  Since I changed jobs and because of the ACA law and options I have, I’m paying a freaking INSANE amount for family coverage. The repblicans had all this time to come up with something and they didn’t have anything worthy of even voting on.  So the only choice for the foreseeable future is ACA which costs me a fortune, and will eventually collapse.


    • #31677
      1 3

      what the republicans should have been doing was figuring out a way to fix the issue you cited and some of the other issues with the ACA. Instead they choose to cling to party lines and dogma and do nothing.

      would they be so hellbent on repeal and replace if this were Romneycare? isn’t the ACA mostly a copy of what Romney did in Massachusetts?

    • #31684

      What both parties have colluded to effectively do, is to eviscerate the question of why are health care costs so high to begin with.  Who benefits by having the entire poplulation completely dependent on either the government or a job with a big company in order to have reasonable expectation of being able to see a doctor and not go bankrupt?

    • #31694

      Did you expect constructive solutions from the party whose only health disaster prevention strategy has been to pull out at the last second? No plan B whatsoever.

      I’ll be here all night.

      • #31696
        Tony (admin)

        I didn’t expect much, no. But now it sounds like now that they didn’t get anything done they’re going to be willing to wait for ACA to collapse. So in however long that takes I’ll end up dumping what, $20K? $30K? into it? Maybe more.

    • #31700
      3 7

      Your rates are high because you’re helping to pay for 25 million unhealthy free loaders. Now that Obamacare has them on the dole, it will be impossible to unwind that. It’s now a right or an entitlement.

      The best that they can do is to place the 25 million in a subsistence bucket where they get the bare minimum in healthcare. If they want more, then get up off their ass and work for it. Fight for their own life.

      • #31702
        Tony (admin)

        Right. It will be very difficult to undo that entitlement.  Once an entitlement begins, it rarely ends.

      • #31705

        The real problem is that costs are out of control. But politicians won’t do anything about that because the healthcare, drug and insurance companies are their benefactors. Healthcare legislation should be doing something about the cost of healthcare, not just shifting the costs around.

        Is someone a freeloader because they’re unlucky enough to get sick? That’s what insurance is for.

      • #31706
        4 2

        Generally they get the bare minimum as it is. In Utah the only dental provided is tooth extraction and that’s only done if it’s infected or causing severe pain. Utah Medicaid provides no vision or hearing care.
        So where should Utah cut the Medicaid benefits?

        In most states 20% of Medicaid recipients utilize about 80% of the Medicaid budget

        So Mr Job creator that wants them to get off their lazy ass and work we can expect you to hire the serious and persistent mentally ill person whom suffers from schizophrenia the guy who suddenly and for no reason slits open his arm and bleeds all over or starts yelling at your customers or tries to harm them

        You act as though these people don’t want to work. Many of them are born into a cycle of poverty drug addiction etc

        People like you telling them to pull themselves up by their bootstraps when they don’t have any bootstraps are unbelievable. At least your honest about your hard core conservative values. I hope that none of your friends or family members ever find themselves in need of using the social safety net of Medicsid

        • #31718
          1 7

          “Many of them are born into a cycle of poverty drug addiction etc”

          Who’s fault is that? They are a manifestation of their parent’s and their own decisions. Why should I pay for their problems?

          • #31723
            4 2

            See it’s this attitude that creates division. You have kids? They go to public school? Why should I as a single person with NO children using the education system have any of my tax money go towards educating YOUR choice to have kids? Btw that’s a rhetorical question a educated society is a productive society.

            You probably don’t tip wait staff either or the skycap you probably mock fast food workers and hotel staff

            It’s people with your attitude that give the conservatives such a stigma.

            After reading your posts here it would actually be ironic and somewhat poetic if you ended up on Medicaid. And if you think it can’t happen to you you’re kidding yourself. It can happen to damn near anyone

            Cue you bragging about how you make more than any of us, have an eight figure portfolio etc

            You really are a piece of work

            • #31726
              1 4

              I have a stepson. No children of my own due to age difference (wife is older). I was staring at fertility doctor and $10K out of pocket per attempt, while illegal aliens were getting invitro fertility treatment for free. So digest that.

              Son went to private school from 7th grade onward. Best investment ever and we have some of the best rated public schools around in
              our neighborhood.

              The only reason I really am working is for healthcare and I have an excellent PPO package. I had my wife suspend Medicare and go on my insurance.

              I read some of your crap here and you’re the piece of work. Maybe if you spent less time posting here and focused on bettering your life financially, you’d be less bitter and actually understand why conservatives want the government less into their wallet.

              • #31727

                I couldn’t find anything online to support your claim about free invitro for illegals. The closest thing that popped up was this, which refutes the claim of mandated subsidies for illegals:

                Obamacare contains an explicit prohibition against providing federally-subsidized coverage to immigrants who cannot prove they are here legally.


                I’m not well versed in the ACA’s finer points, so I’m not calling you a liar. I am just looking for some evidence to back your statememt. Maybe you’re saying that the state, and not the Federal government, is supporting this practice?

                I also have to ask how you came to the assumption that the poster is not doing well financially? Also, why are you working for insurance if you’re so well off? Private insurance is not cheap, but it’s not so much that a man as wealthy as you claim to be couldn’t easily afford it.

                • #31766
                  1 1
                  • #31767

                    While I have all sort of issues with the moron that is Octomom and her horribly irresponsible doctor (who has since lost his license to practice in California), that’s not an example of what you claimed, which is that illegal aliens are getting IVF for free.

                    A) She’s not an undocumented immigrant
                    B) It’s true her medical bills, food stamps, etc. are paid through entitlement programs. Sounds like she scammed the system to get disability, then it is assumed that she used that money for IVF. That’s quite different from “the government paid for her treatment”.

                    I agree with you that Octomom is a rather disgusting human being who is an extreme example of someone who is gaming the system. However, it doesn’t really back up your assertion.

                  • #31769

                    Can you point me to the part in the article about her being illegal or the government covering her invitro costs, because I didn’t see anything mentioning either. Is she a leech that ought to be ashamed, probably, but this doesn’t support your claim in any way, shape or form. I’m beginning to believe you’re bulls**tting us, but I’ll wait to see if you can dig up something a little more substantial.

              • #31730
                2 1

                I was staring at fertility doctor and $10K out of pocket per attempt, while illegal aliens were getting invitro fertility treatment for free. So digest that.

                I’ll try to say this as nicely as possible.


                No one, and I mean no one, gets IVF for free. I have spent over $70K on IVF for my three kids, so I know a little bit about the process.

              • #31733
                1 2

                There are so many snarky smart ass replies I could make but I will refrain.

                I do just fine financially. Thanks for your concern. I’ve positioned myself well enough that I can retire at 58

                You’re the stereotype internet tough guy You really remind me of Moose.

                I don’t care for the government being in my wallet but if we
                want infrastructure etc then it’s an evil necessity

                Your beloved free market is part of what has created this gluttonous health care delivery system we have and conservative principles are part of what drove democrats to create the ACA which was modeled after Conservative Mitt Romney’s Romneycare in Massachusetts and now your whining about it????

          • #31724

            You’re talking about kids for christ sake. At least you wear your lack of empathy, even for innocent children, on your sleeve I suppose. Heartless.

      • #31716
        4 1

        A good chunk of those “freeloaders” are working poor. Perhaps you should look into it a bit, then you might quit demonizing low income workers every chance you get.

        Just sayin…

    • #31728
      1 1

      I keep hearing Republicans (not saying you’re one) claim that premiums are skyrocketing under the ACA. Everything I’ve read says that while premiums are still rising, the increases have slowed dramatically since the implementation of Obamacare. I know everybody’s story is different, but I have to believe that it can’t be quite as terrible overall as they have claimed considering their own crafted bill was apparently worse.

      This whole mess stinks, and is a loss for both parties imho. Yes, the GOP had 7 years to create a better plan and failed miserably, but the reaction by Democrats has been nearly as ugly. I can understand being happy the bill collapsed, but most of the interviews I have seen are of house members gloating. To me, that makes it a political win in their minds rather than a win for the people.

      • #31732
        1 1

        I agree that the reaction has been disappointing. I would have much preferred them to say “now that that’s done, let’s work together to find a way to make the existing law better”.

        That said, after 7 years of the GOP trying to repeal it without having any plan whatsoever, I think they’re entitled to a little gloating before they STFU and GBTW.

        • #31734
          1 2

          Right now there are no winners in this health care debacle   Only losers and most of those are the american public 

      • #31739
        Tony (admin)

        Uh, well my deductible has doubled and my premium has quadrupled in three years. I’d call that skyrocketing. Funny the mentality of politicians. Their explanation to is that “it may be bad, but it would have been worse without us” bulls**t.

        • #31740
          Tony (admin)

          Oh, and I can’t go to my doctor I had for years and neither can my 4-year-old… So pretty much it’s all broken promise BS.

        • #31742

          I said everybody’s story is different, and that premiums are still rising across the board, just at a slower rate than they were prior to Obama care. Thought I made it pretty clear that I wasn’t calling your candor into question, but if not I apologize. The system is a joke, and has gotten so bad that I’ve gone from being a supporter of privatised health care to fully on board with Medicaid for all.

    • #31840

      This thread makes me sad 🙁

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