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Does Pace Manyung know that Jake Bentley had offers from Alabama, Clemson, LSU,

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football Does Pace Manyung know that Jake Bentley had offers from Alabama, Clemson, LSU,

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    • #119758

      Georgia, Auburn, Miami, Nebraska, and so on and so forth. And that Tyler Huntley was not offered by any of those schools?

      Cam Rising has a similar offer sheet to Bentley, probably better.

      In summary, the coaches know a thing or two because they’ve seen a thing or two. At the same time, it’s pretty interesting for me as a fan to see the Utah that I have watched forever have two guys in the program with offer sheets the likes of these two QB’s…the transfer portal is really interesting, guys can get out and go play at a school where they get the time and the reps. I’m excited to see what Ludwig can do with these QB’s. 

    • #119759

      I would hope most of us would have him blocked like I do. 

      He is a troll and these posts sustain him. 



    • #119763
      8 1

      I blocked him a couple months ago. He really didn’t contribute anything to Utehub.

      • #119779

        this.  He just needs attention.

    • #119765


    • #119766
      6 6

      Does Hammer know that Bentley and Rising got beat out- Both programs went in “a different direction” with what they felt are better players?  Utah did the same with that Tuttle kid and Indiana is stuck with the joker card.

      I have know idea the circumstances behind their reasons for their leaving but what I do know is that both programs made the decision to step away from these QB’s.

      The point is this, Elite programs sign multiple 4 star QB’s every year and thus they have the FIRST look to see if that 4 star was warrented. 

      Utah will be receiving two QB’s that better programs tried out and passed on – basically they where able to do better.  

      Does this mean Bently or Risen suck? No, it just means two programs had months of evaluation and came to the conclusion they can do better. 

      Final thought, before you bring up the LSU/OK QB’s, let me drop a bit of reality on y’all. Known QB transfer commodities almost exlusively will go to programs that have a real shot at winning a national championship – elite programs will make room for such talent.

      My expectations for either of these QB’s is that at least on turn out to be serviceable. 


      • #119768

        Agreed. Your point is fair and reflects reality. If your postings here weren’t so exaggerrated and wild, then you would have so much goodwill. That said, this is an online forum — a sports one, no less — where often attracts the wild and brings out the worst in people. Oh well.

      • #119783

        Hey just like Joe Burrow. I wonder how the take scraps ended up for LSU?

    • #119769

      Bentley NEVER got beat out. Explain it to me when he and another QB had a head to head competition and he got beat out. Never happened, fake news.

    • #119772

      And why were Joe Burrow at LSU, Jalen Hurts at Oklahoma, and Justin Fields at Ohio State? All three transfers that you may recognize as 3 Heisman finalists.

      This is a different playing field. What used to be true about transfers isn’t always true now. These two can flat out ball. And with Ludwigs knack for putting QB’s in a position to succeed I am excited to watch the QB’s play over the next 3 years.

      • #119785

        Not to mention those are 3 of the final 4 teams. All playing with QBs that got beat out at their previous schools.
        Pace narrative is failing just like him at life

    • #119781

      Maybe, just maybe, coaching turnover had something to do with his transfer. In December South Carolina fired the QB coach and demoted the offensive coordinator. Mike Bobo is the new OC/QB coach. This season, Bobby Bentley (Jake’s dad) was the TE coach but the gamec**ks just hired a new TE coach from Georgia. Right now Bobby Bentley is listed as quarterbacks coach but so is Mike Bobo and I read an article that Bentley will be assisting Bobo with quarterback coaching. Jake Bentley went to South Carolina right after his dad was hired to coach there. This might have nothing to do with Jake’s transfer, it could have been about a girl. I don’t know but it looks like he thought he might have to move on.

    • #119796

      Sometimes a school can have two great QBs each better than any QBs at other very good programs. Possibly, another school could take the second of the two QBs using that step to pass the first school.

      Possibly, a very good QB, someone like Alex Smith, can get hurt and lose the job to a backup, move to another team and have more success than the backup that replaced him.

      Possibly, a good QB can lose the job to another QB, get refocused, get better, and surpass his replacement and his former self.

      Possibly, two QBs can finish in one order under one offensive scheme but finish in the opposite order in most other offensive schemes.

      Possibly, things don’t always continue as they first seem.

      Or, possibly, there is no reason to doubt any decision made related to football players. Once one school makes a decision to go a direction, it would be folly to consider anything else related to a player.

      Possibly, it could be useful to let the chance of a transfer play out in a competition of other options, enjoy the back and forth of the development of a couple of QBs rather than assume doom without a moment of spring practice.

    • #119797

      Many of us are knowledgeable; many too busy drinking red koolaid, or curled up in despair, to be reasonably informed or interesting. I keep my inner-snowflake in check, and read Pace’s comments, and cooresponding responses, if not for entertainment purposes.

      Go P-a-c… Utes!

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