Football has traditionally been 10 vs 11. With the new QB’s and their running ability, it becomes more 11 on 11.
Lets say you double Carrington. That extra player has to come from somewhere.
Normally, you take that extra player off the LOS, right? 5 OL vs 4 DL.
So, if you double Carrington every play, you go one on one with the other 2 WR’s. You put a LB on the TE. You put a LB on the RB. You put a S on the QB.
That leaves the offense line with a 5 on 4 advantage.
Utah takes that every day of the week. You put Carrington to one side, RPO to the other, one on one matchups with OL advantage. That’s unstoppable.
My point? With the running QB you can’t just “double Carrington” and expect to have success. The matchups don’t work that way. Heck, with a running QB, you can’t blitz AND double anyone. A running QB limits a lot of what the defense can do.