Don’t know what category this goes under but drive safely, I just spent the last hour trying to get out of my driveway but only managed to get way more stuck.
A foot of snow in the Salt Lake valley overnight. I think most if not all school districts are calling off in-person school. No snow days anymore. They have to get out their chrome book and do their lessons.
At least the busses and parents taking kids to school will be off the roads.
Yep, Jordan School District is closed. We had about a foot of snow in South Jordan. Just got done shoveling…that sucked.
My middle schooler has a Chromebook she can work from, but the elementary school kids don’t. I’ve got Zoom meetings pretty much all day and Mrs. SkinyUte still has to go into work, so I expect it will pretty much be Lord of the Flies at my house by this afternoon.