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Dystopiamembrane Hub

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    • #170537


    • #170538
      6 2

      Trying to offer interesting topics to discuss. I hope you like. 🙂

      • #170539

        Honestly, I appreciate it. There isn’t a lot of content posted on here and you are providing some. I’d love to figure out how to get more fans frequenting this site.  It is fairly slow. Though I love how, for an internet message board, it’s pretty rational and reasonable. Where as Utah Twitter and Cougarboard are cesspools of hell.

        • #170541

          I have never been to Utah Twitter. I enjoy many aspects of Cougarboard, honestly.

          • #170544

            Utah fans on Twitter are a cancer and make us all look bad. The only redeeming quality about Cougarboard, to me, is that there is always lots of content, but good heavens is that a mass of irrationality.

            • #170545

              The mass of irational dweebs on CB number around maybe 60 to 80 mainly 14 years olds on summer break who constantly make the same freaking posts ad nauseum. Most saying something akin to Utah sucks and I hate Utah, Utes fans are scum,  then painting every Ute fan as Mormon church hating anti religeous bigots, ironic right? I won’t even get into the accute victimization they wear as a badge of honor, we know for the millionth time everyone hates BYU and is out to get them. 

              I do cruise CB sometime because lets face it, when you have hundreds of people scouring the internet for  breaking realignment news for 8 hours a day while sitting at their work computer, they usually post the links long before the rest of us stumble on to them. 

              Also I agree with the Utah Twitter trolls, they do not represent most Utah fans. 



        • #170565
          Tony (admin)

          If you REALLY want to get more fans frequenting the site, TELL THEM.  Share the site and app with your friends. Post about it on your social networks. DO SOMETHING to help!  It is safe to assume that every one of us has friends who are fellow Ute fans. Refer a friend, two, five.  Whatever you can do will help. There’s no “advertising” budget to get new fans to join. There are NO ads here. It costs nothing and there is ton of great contributions.

          Also, keep in mind it is the offseason in terms of activity. Also, most people just lurk. Another way to do your part is to CONTRIBUTE some content, opinions, questions, links to relevant and interesting articles. 

          GO UTES

    • #170556

      While I don’t agree with dystopiamembrane all the time, I have to say his(?) point of view is refreshing on many topics. Often dystopia is the only one posting on non-football/basketball topics. I love my Utes and while women’s volleyball, women’s soccer, women’s gymnastics and LAX won’t get the same eyeballs as football I like to catch up on those teams as well.

      The ski team, and other Olympic sports came to play for Utah, and I appreciate their contributions. So hopefully others can look past their differences and see what dystopia brings which would be absent otherwise.

    • #170561

      Ignore is a powerful feature if you choose to use it.

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