Email Notifications

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Ute Hub Site Email Notifications

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    • #16477

      Hey Tony, how come Ute Hub doesn’t notify me via email when someone replies to to my post? I have the option checked to do so in settings.

    • #16504
      Tony (admin)

      “It’s complicated.”  

      The front page is programmed by me, to take some of the positive aspects of a UFN/CB threaded layout.  The front page functions separate from the “standard” forum areas of the site, found in the forum menu or by clicking the “open” button on a post from the front page.  I didn’t program in email notifications for the front page, because I haven’t gotten around to it.

      IF someone responds in the non-home page area and you have email notifications checked, you should get notified.  

      Now, if you are not getting ANY email from the site, it is more likely that the mail is getting spammed or blocked by your service provider before it gets to you.

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