But he’s right! What the Runnin Utes need to play big time basketball isn’t Alex Jensen or a good coach, it’s a really elite and experienced HD TV – uh, maybe to put in the JMHC, or the coach’s office? Or maybe the locker room so our guys can video game before and after the games?
We’re so lucky Cali Man showed up to point this out! Where would we be without such sage advice?
Not only that, but how is Utah headed for 10-14 seasons? The XII plays 20-game league schedules, not 24-game schedules. It wouldn’t be overall, either. Every season we play at least 30 games.
I think the cognitive abilities of Cali Man is unquestionably in decline.
So I’m stoked for this. But I hate the reality that if our NIL isn’t competitive we’ll still suck, doesn’t really matter how good of a coach Jensen is. So hopefully our NIL is very well funded. I at least want us to be able to compete with BYU for talent (and that is feeling like a tall order, sadly).
Jensen will bring new excitement to the program since coach K first came in. I’m not expecting overnight success but the program will become solid and be fun to follow and watch. It’s been a long time since we’ve watched good basketball in this state.