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Expand All / Shrink All & Show Replies Bugs Fixed

Donate in the 2024 Fundraiser! Forums Ute Hub Site Expand All / Shrink All & Show Replies Bugs Fixed

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    • #28243
      Tony (admin)

      I’ve noticed some weird behavior with the expand all / shrink all button on the home page.  It seemed that no matter whether I expanded or shrunk the content, it stayed expanded from that point on.  Sure enough I had the cookie setting wrong.So that’s fixed.

      Also noticed that setting the content or reply shrink/show stuff only worked on the page it was set on. So if a user set his preference to hide replies on the home page, it would not work on other pages. That’s fixed now.

      You may need to clear your cache and cookies for it to work immediately.  If not it will eventually flush itself and work properly.

      More bug info:

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