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    • #150297
      13 5

      Shame on all of you! Absolutely pathetic fandom calling for Whitt’s job! My hell, please stop calling yourselves Ute fans and go cheer for BYU. Because that’s exactly the way you all sound right now…like freaking Zoobs! You’re all an embarrassment and should pack up your %*#^ and head over to Cougarboard where you belong.
      Did we get outplayed last night…yes, no doubt. And that’s extremely disappointing given we have the talent and coaching advantage. But it didn’t show up last night. Credit to Kalani and his team. They had a great game plan, played clean, and never let up.
      Guess what?? Upsets happen, especially in heated rivalries where young kids play off emotion and feed off of the adrenaline their crowd provides them with. So we lost the game…is the world coming to an end now?!
      Coach Whitt has successfully delivered 9 wins in a row over our instate rival, pulling out some very close wins in a majority of them. Would’ve been awesome to see the record set at #10 but it didn’t happen. However, he matched the all-time record of consecutive wins in the rivalry and that’s pretty awesome. Aside from all of that, we’ve seen the program steadily climb year after year where we have enjoyed being a consistently ranked Top 25 team year in and year out.
      How quick everyone is to forget when Utah football was a dumpster fire. The way you all talk, you’d think Utah is some blue blood program that should never lose more than 1 game in a season or it’s a failure. Ridiculous!! Maybe this season will end up being a mediocre 7-5 type of campaign or maybe they’ll rebound and go on to have a great year that we were all hoping for a few weeks ago…who knows? But whatever happens, it doesn’t change all that Whitt has done for Utah football. We have a nationally respected program that so many other schools would kill for. And a statue of Whitt should be placed in front of Rice Eccles Stadium.
      Whitt’s post game presser was right on the money. Graciously gave credit to Kalani and BYU where credit was due. And he called out all of the areas where we weren’t good enough and that need to be fixed. And he accepted responsibility for not having the team fully prepared since the performance was obviously below our standard. That’s what great coaches do in defeat and then they get to work to come back stronger the next time.
      Again this is 1 loss people. And 1 loss against a team and an entire fan base that has been DESPERATE for 12 years now to find a way to beat us. If we start losing a bunch of games, getting humiliated, embarrassed, and become the doormat of the conference overnight….then ok, it’s understandable to think that Whitt’s not himself and the time has come to consider a change.
      Short of that….all of you spoiled, fair weather fans can shut the *%#^ up!

    • #150299

      Agree with everything you said. Nobody with even a partial brain cell should be calling for Whitt to be fired. That’s just flat out idiotic and shows a low sports IQ.

      But, fans are gonna fan. Overreactions are going to happen. Bad takes will be posted. Then they’ll get over it.

      I can definitely see why there is some pessimism, though. Getting beat in the trenches like that by BYU is something we haven’t seen in 25+ years. The fact that we weren’t blown out in a 54-10 like fashion speaks to the quality of the defense, although we are lacking an elite pass rusher right now.

      This season is just starting and things will improve. But man, what is up with the o-line? This seems to be a position group that never improves. Something really needs to change there.

    • #150306
      7 2

      “If we start losing a bunch of games, getting humiliated, embarrassed”


      Uh take a gander at our last 9 games. We’re 4-5 with three of the losses being easily among our worst in the PAC 12 era and the marquee win being an entirely improbable come from behind win orchestrated by our walk-on QB against an unranked Washington State who ended that season 1-3. By the way we haven’t won a bowl game since 2017. And speaking of worst loses in the PAC 12 era lets talk about that 2018 bowl against Northwestern. And how did we even end up playing northwestern that year? That’s right, posting a touchdownless PAC 12 finale against Washington. In fact, I’d say that the last time that we won a big game against a good opponent that came to play was against USC in 2016 with Troy Williams, the only other game that even comes close since then is Washington in 2017. What happened to the Utah team that was a lock to perform in the bowl game that we used to talk about? What happened to the Utah that rose to the occasion, the one that punched above their weight? It’s started man, you just haven’t been paying attention.


      I sure as hell wouldn’t fire Whitt but if you really think the complaints are out of left field your head is in the clouds.

      • #150307
        3 7

        Not even worth responding to you. You’re exactly who I’m talking about. Please just leave our fan board and go cheer for your Cougs. You’re nothing more than a Zoob pretending to be a Ute fan. Total joke trying to rile up our fan base.

        Congrats on the win and getting into the Big 12…but please go back to Cougarboard and tell everyone there how you got on our board and punk’d all of us Ute fans.

        • #150309
          4 1

          “Not even worth responding to” *responds to me*

          Look, we both know I’m not a BYU fan and the fact that we even have to pretend is a joke. BYU fans don’t even remember the games I mentioned. I remember Tim patrick dicing up adoree Jackson in that one, carrington catching that game winner over us. That time travis wilson went full scorpion against michigan(?). Stuffing Taysom Hill on the 2. Williams’s outing against UCLA. Terrance Cain throwing the ball at people’s feet. I’ve been here for well over a decade now for every high and low. But that not the point.

          The point is that your defense mechanism to legitimate criticism of your position is to cover your ears and scream “COUGAR” like a toddler. You’d do well to ponder how deeply pathetic that is.

          I’m not the fairweather fan you’re mentioning, in fact, I don’t think anyone here is. Take like six deep breaths and realize that these are people who like the team as much as you do but simply have to emotional maturity to allow themselves to experience negative emotions. No one here, not one person is abandoning Utah, and their opinions are as valid as yours.

          • #150313
            2 2

            Anyone that calls for Whitt to be fired after last night’s loss is not a “valid” opinion. It’s pathetic and doesn’t show that they “care” as much about the program and team as the rest of us. I’m willing to concede that seeing comments like that showing up on here has gotten me overly heated. If fans want to complain and criticize aspects of our glaring deficiencies last night, such as getting out-muscled in the trenches (both sides) then that’s all completely fair. I’m upset and disappointed in those areas as well. But I’m not willing to standby and watch people cross the line and call for Whitt’s firing.

            What I found unfair about your particular post was the fact that you were using the Covid year as proof to back up your claims. Teams were having to alter their rosters week to week just to play a few games. The season was a total throw away year. But it was great that we at least got five games in or glorified scrimmages for all of our young talent. But I don’t think it’s fair to use those games as further evidence about why we couldn’t score an offensive TD in the CCG against Washington, for example. Entirely different season and set of circumstances. The fact that we got to that game with our backup QB when our depth at QB was nowhere near what it is today, was an incredible accomplishment by our coaches and players. And we still gave it everything in that CCG and almost pulled it off if not for some fluke pick 6 play where the ball bounced off our receiver’s hands/back/foot and into the DBs hands.

            I want to see us play and win a CCG and a Rose Bowl as much as anyone! And I’m optimistic that we will get there. But we are not in the MWC anymore. This is P5 football. It seems like the fact that it hasn’t happened already is in some people’s eyes an embarrassment, which is absolutely absurd. How many years has Arizona been in the conference now? And they still haven’t accomplished this. I’d much rather be in our camp where we are competitively in the mix every year than a dumpster fire. Does that mean I shouldn’t be disappointed when we fall short and some particular deficiency keeps us from reaching the mountain top? Of course not. But there’s a line where on one side it’s fair game. Crossing over to the other side of that line where fans are calling for Whitt to be fired or step aside is unacceptable.

            • #150317

              Fair enough, man. I agree with just about all of that even the criticisms of my own post, those are very fair points. I also think firing whitt is the wrong opinion, even stupid. But it’s someone’s opinion who I’d see wearing a Ute shirt and yell GO UTES! at them all the same. We’re all in the same boat.

              • #150322

                Apologies for calling you a BYU fan. Admittedly I was triggered by a lot of what I was reading on here this morning. But I agree, we are all in the same boat. And there’s a reason why we are called fans (shortened for fanatics)….because we all are emotionally invested in our team and it can bring a level of crazy out in all of us. At the end of the day, we all just want our Utes to win.

                • #150327

                  One of the worst thing I’ve ever been called haha. As if I’d ever associate myself with those sanctimonious vacant-eyed freaks. And I’m sorry for being rude to you, I should’ve stated my case far more diplomatically.

      • #150321
        Central Coast Ute

        Take a gander at the last 21 games. He’s 15-6 in those games. See what happens when you cherry pick stats?

        • #150328

          ok true for sure but look at the big games in those 21. I want the big games. I don’t want zona…ok well I want zona too.

      • #150349

        Umm, the Marquee win was clearly Colorado last year. We cost them the south crown. Also we were a lot closer to 4-1 than 2-3 last year. We aren’t Bama ir USC, we are more like Stanford. We will have great years, but we will have aome down times too. It is how this works for all the good teams not in the perennial top.

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