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Favorite Radio or Podcasts for NCAA Basketball

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Basketball (Men) Favorite Radio or Podcasts for NCAA Basketball

  • This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #9043
      Wilson’s Mustache

      Does anyone have any favorite podcasts or radio personalities they like to listen?

      I like listening to the PacHoops Podcast of Champions

      Though I don’t live in Utah I also enjoy listening to ESPN700s interview. Bill Riley in particular does an excellent job.

      This time of year I’m always looking for more stuff to burn the time or to have on in the background while I do stuff.

    • #9044
      Tony (admin)

      The only stuff I’ll listen to is usually Kall 700 for pre and post game Utes.

    • #9045

      Dan Patrick when I get the time. (In other words never)

      ESPN 700. I really like the mix up now I can listen to Reilly in the afternoon.  OC is awful and should consider a career where he doesn’t have to open his mouth and be heard ever.

      • #9046
        Wilson’s Mustache

        I really liked the DP show for awhile. However, the Danettes, for most part, are annoying and pretty unknowledgeable. Fritz in particular is tough to listen to.

        • #9047

          I think that’s what makes it interesting. Because they are clacking away on the Internet and DP is smarter than them. I like it when DP has Costas on the show. Serious knowledge with two sports geniuses in the same room.

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