Fire coach whit!!!

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    • #71950

      The guy is terrible and overpaid and everything would be so much better amiright? No? We only do that after losses? 

      Honestly I like coach whit. He’s continued the tradition of winning for the most part. I think he takes a shellacking on this site, mostly from the vocal minority but still it gets old. I understand we haven’t won the south yet. I understand it gets frustrating to get our hearts ripped out most years when wy come so close. But better the devil you know than the devil you don’t. We know what whit brings year in and year out:  defense and special teams. I’m ok with that. Maybe we’ll figure the offense out sooner or later…OC #10? Maybe we put it all together this year… who knows? what do ya’ll think? 

    • #71952
      5 3

      Anything short of a pac-12 south title is a disappointment.

      • #71953
        2 1

        I agree but do we get rid of coach whit and start over? Does as shiny new coach equal a pac12 south title? Let’s ask ucla… 

        • #71954
          3 1

          Also congrats to coach whit for reaching 200 career wins. Question does that also include his time as DC?

        • #72039

          Jim Mora
          Rich Rodriguez
          Todd Graham
          Mike MacIntyre
          Clay Helton

          All were replacement coaches who won in the South.
          So, yeah, maybe replacing coaches is just the boost a team needs to win the worst division in CFB.

      • #71972

        ^ this is the correct mentality.

        At this point kwhitt has done nothing different than what he’s done the last 6 years.  I like what I see but remember..Coffees for closers

        Image result for put the coffee down coffee is for closers

    • #71955

      Whit isn’t going anywhere. Win or lose. He’ll be here for the foreseeable future.

    • #71958
      3 1

      Do nothing stay the same, risk change and something else happens.  The safe bet is certainly stay the course with Whitt and hope he pulls it together in all three phases. I am not ignorant of that fact. If an opportunity arises for the newly minted AD I think he should jump on it when given the chance. He won’t do anything now though. Jim Mora was driving UCLAs defense into an even worst state than Utah’s offense so bad comparison.

      I think I forget how young this team is. I think of old bloods on the team and it feels like an older team. 2019 could be a chance for  Whitt to really prove what he can do “with his most talented team ever or 2018.” His words not mine.

      I guess the point I am trying to make is sometimes coaching changes work. Programs change coaches and have success don’t have to look very far from home to see examples of it. I still believe Whitt is in his waning McBride years.

      I want to see this team succeed I want to see Whitt figure out offense. It sure seems like this weird ass triple option play action is working. Once a recommittment to the rush was made it all fell into place. The formations they run are all the same but TT is running multiple plays off it. But it all comes back to the rush commitment. 

    • #71973

      I truly hope we win the south and a change isn’t needed. If we don’t win the south….by all means a change needs to happen. Gary Anderson is the next man up.  I truly hope I eat crow this year and we win the south and the p12 championship. Anything short of a south win is a rinse and repeat of our record since joining the p12.

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