TCU @  Utah

Fire Kyle Whittingham

Donate in the 2024 Fundraiser! Forums Utah Utes Sports Football Fire Kyle Whittingham

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    • #227847
      8 11

      It’s far past due. Two years of this pathetic mess is enough. I can’t watch his years long slide continue any further. The man cannot produce even mild success any longer.

      Edit: after sleeping on this and much careful and sober deliberation I have come to the conclusion that I’ve made a huge mistake and I’d like to apologize for not also calling to fire Ludwig and Elisaia. Thank you for your understanding and for everybody that urged me to make a more clear-headed decision.

    • #227848

      LOL… go to bed dude. He isn’t going to get fired. I agree he needs to be done coaching, but he won’t get fired, and firing him won’t do any good anyway.

      He definitely needs to be shown the door at the end of this two year train wreck though.

      • #227857
        2 1

        If we excise the tumor we may have a chance in whatever trash bowl we get pity invited to. Cause he’s bowl game poison as well. Better to do it now

      • #227874

        How can the players have any confidence in Kyle after tonight. He constantly talks about earning your reps. Rising went 16/37 3 INT 0 TD. He had no business playing the second half! Wilson might have thrown 3 picks tonight if played, but his completion percentage would have been much better and UTAH would have had a downfield passing threat to keep the ASU defense honest.

        Would not be surprised if Kyle loses the Lockeroom for this one.

        • #227880
          6 1

          He lost them last year and he’s lost them again. You’re 100% spot on.

          The team is visibility frustrated. Cam hit Kuithe in the shins 7 yards out and kuithe threw his arms up in clear frustration. I guarantee some words are being exchanged as we speak.

    • #227852
      5 6

      What a short sided pathetic comment. I am embarrassed for you. Go to bed!

      • #227863
        3 4

        Nah. You apologists have been singing the same song every week for multiple season and ship just keeps taking on more water. The program shouldn’t have to wait for anyone that slow to process what’s in front of them

      • #227864

        This is what he does when we lose.

    • #227868

      Disagree about firing him.. although the coaching in these last 2 games has been criminally bad. Not just Whit, but the coordinators as well. Certainly feels like Whit has lost his edge a bit at a minimum. A very promising season again (likely) derailed by injuries and predictable play calling

      • #227870
        2 1

        Weird. you spelled seasons like g.a.m.e.s. Am I senile too?

      • #227983

        Likely? There’s no “salvaging” the season. It’s over because there’s no way we’re even gonna be in the Conference Championship. No Confetence Championship no Playoffs.
        There are so many damn things wrong with this team that it’d take a senior thesis to hammer it out!
        No leadership
        LBs are terrible
        DBs are terrible
        Cam is hurt again and frankly done playing ball
        Ludwig is a loon. Up the middle & short of the sticks
        Kyle looks tired and lost
        D is constantly out of position (no leadership)
        QB room is once again NOT game ready
        How in the Hell do we have so many injuries again?! Especially after a bye week?!
        What the Hell has Harlan really done for Utah?
        This team is on the verge to losing to TDS again!!
        I will NEVER again buy into the preseason hype!

    • #227873
      2 7

      Shut the eff up and go be a BYU fan.

      • #227889
        4 1

        No. I’m a utah football fan. You’re a bootlicker. When whit leaves you trade in your block U shirts for ones whith his face on it and I’ll keep my utah gear. That way we both advertise our priorities.

        • #227903
          1 2

          Deleted. My comment was rude and personal and I’m not proud of it.

          • #227911

            You have an abnormal tendency to worship authority figures.

            Many disagree with firing him and that’s fine. But none playing with a full deck think Whitt’s really the guy anymore, even those that want to keep him around. It’s getting g pretty hard to deny what’s on the field but I’m sure you’ll keep trying.

            If it makes you feel any better there always be someone else to worship. Program will always gave a coach.

    • #227879
      Red Rhino

      Whittingham has done a lot of great things and deserves praise. His defensive player development and positioning is off the charts. My biggest problem with Whittingham is that ever since he became coach we have sacrificed offense for defense, including moving our most athletic players to defense. This creates three problems:

      1. You create an offensive culture that is not enticing to the best offensive recruits.

      2. You create a style of offensive that is boring and sometimes painful to watch. Remember, for fans, this is about entertainment. It’s fun to watch the Utes win, but when they lose, the boring style of play we just all painfully sat through adds insult to injury.

      3. If you get behind in a game it is difficult to get back in the game.

      • #227887
        4 1

        Whitt deserves mountains of praise. But what you did years ago doesn’t win games today

    • #227893
      The Miami Ute

      No matter the results, I think that Whitt has earned the right to go out whenever he wants to and however he wants to. That being said, I also think that during these last two seasons, we’ve kind of crossed a Rubicon into mediocrity that probably won’t be fixed until a new regime gets installed. The way that the QB position, the most important position in the game, has been managed as almost an afterthought during the last two seasons is a serious case of coaching malpractice. We really have to buckle up because this season, given the number of injuries, players out, players not performing at high levels, might be as bad as the first couple of seasons in the PAC. We close the season with games versus BYU, Colorado, Iowa State, and UCF. It’s more than likely than Utah will be the underdog in all four of those games.

      What I would do? Personally, I wouldn’t play Rising until he was at least sufficiently healthy to throw a football accurately. And, if Utah loses next week versus TCU, I wouldn’t even play him again seeing as there’s no point given that his replacement is already in the team. Roll with Isaac and prep for next season.

      • #227897

        I don’t believe the right to behave at the program’s expense is a right that can be earned under any circumstance.

        • #227956
          2008 National Champ

          I’ve been saying for years that Whitt has earned the right to go 8-4/9-3 until he decides to hang it up. He should never be unceremoniously shown the door because that level of performance is no longer acceptable to the Utah fanbase.

          At the same time, I worry that his stature with the school has reached Paterno levels (Sandusky scandal notwithstanding) where he will keep the job because he wants it past the point where it is in the best interests of the Utah football program.

          How can anyone believe the “you will become us, we won’t become you” mantra when there are obvious examples of players who were more important to him winning games than they were to the health of the program? Bobby Bowden may be the greatest college coach of all time but even his program died from internal rot because it had stagnated at all levels. I don’t have any confidence that Whitt can avoid the same at this point. Just build his damn statue and move on already

    • #228017
      Holladay Ute

      He has made some big mistakes in the last couple of years (although we don’t know everything that happened behind the scenes). And he has yet to prove that he can lead a #1 team in the conference (great as the hunter, not as the hunted). But…

      It’s also been a unique 1-2 years w/ all the injuries. How many coaches could digest the amount of injuries we had last year and still win 8 games? I look at his track record. He built a program where a 7-8 win season is a big disappointment. I know past wins don’t mean future wins, but they obviously indicate that he’s been one of the best coaches in America over the last 20 years. We’re not even two years removed from our last Rose Bowl. Based on what we’ve seen in the last two weeks, I think it’s fair to ask ourselves if Whittingham peaked in 2022. But I think it’s too early to make that conclusion.

      Let’s at least see how they finish this season. If we end up w/ a 7-8 win season, then I still think he deserves another year. If next year is another 7-8 win season, then I would be more open to the idea of building him a statue and handing the reigns to somebody else to see if they can take us to the next level.

      Is there anything to learn from TCU? They kind of went through the same thing. Patterson was their Whittingham. He was incredible for a really long time. Then had four average years and they canned him. Dykes comes in. They make the CFP but get destroyed in the championship…and now they’re near the bottom of our conference.

    • #228028

      The upside of firing Whitt now would be the ability to move on and demand firing someone else when the team loses future games. That would be a huge upgrade.

      Unless of course, the next coach never loses- then you can be happy. You have thought this out well.

      • #228033

        I have it figured out almost as well as someone that sees a problem and does nothing about it because it could occur again in the future.

        Next time you get a nail through your tire just throw your hands up in the air knowing that nothing you can do will clear all the nails off the road.

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