BYU @  Utah


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    • #34662
      5 1

      Okay. So I’m clearly in the minority here, but I really hate it when people set off fireworks in a residential area.

      I’m young (26), and grew up with friends and family that always set off fireworks in the street, both legal and illegal. I’ve had fun with fireworks myself, but looking at it objectively, I really wish they weren’t accessible by the general public.

      I get it, people like to blow s**t up. But I feel that fireworks should be illegal outside of venues that are equipped to handle them properly. Considering all of the related issues: physical harm (how’s that hand, Jason Pierre-Paul?), fire danger (especially in Utah), air quality (again, in Utah. Has anyone looked at the valley on July 5th or 25th? It’s awful.)

      I’m also now sitting without power because some people down the street decided to set off fireworks and they hit a transformer and it blew. So that’s where this scattered rant originated.

      TL;DR: the general population is too dumb to be allowed to have fireworks.

    • #34663

      I couldn’t agree with you more. And you left out three other major reasons why fireworks shouldn’t be allowed in the public’s hands.
      1. Impact on pets. Your dogs don’t understand why they’re in the middle of artillery combat.
      2. Same as above for children.
      3. Impact on the sleep of everyone who has to get up early the next morning.
      I suppose I would be more open to the idea if we could guarantee that everyone would be done by 10:30. But you know there will be mullets shooting off fireworks until 3:00 am. How about a new law: If you do fireworks after 10:30, I get to set fireworks off in your bedroom at a future day and time of my choosing?

      • #34665

        Completely right about the pets part. I meant to include that and spaced as I was typing.

        Another thing to consider is veterans with PTSD. When I was living in Sandy, we had a veteran down the street who would always put out a sign in July asking people to please not set fireworks off because it was bad for his PTSD. People did it anyway.


        • #34678
          4 1

          My neighbor up the street used to set them of relentlessly apparently he came out one morning after doing so and someone had gathered up all the firework debris and a plethora of dog crap and dumped it in his car. I don’t think he has set them off since

          • #34685

            Good for them. Fireworks debris is the worst. Somehow we judge people who throw trash out their car windows (rightfully so). Yet somehow we are cool with leaving trash on the streets on the 4th cuz merica.

      • #34671

        You are definitely not alone. I loathe fireworks. I hated them before I had kids, but especially now that I have 2 littles. My daughter was traumatized by them at a young age, and at 6 she is still triggered. Just tonight we had to leave a family party early because they were going off and she was losing her s**t.

        Pets, vets w/ ptsd, air quality, trash left in the streets, and interrupting kids sleep, various hazards, etc. And since we have the 24th, people in Utah are basically setting them off all month of July.

        I am ok with the big, professional fireworks displays, but honestly could do without them too. We live to the east of liberty park. the fireworks on the 24th draws so many unsavory characters to the area, people who are just loitering about for no other reason than it’s ok to pitch a tent in the area for that day. Last year a random guy walking down the street pulled a gun on my neighbor! Granted, my neighbor is an ass and made a GTFO type comment to him, but still wtf? I love my neighborhood though 11 months out of the year.

        Sorry to sound like a kill joy and/ or unamerican for hating fireworks. Listening to them as I type. Ugh.

      • #34679

        As a recreational runner, my typical schedule is to ‘hit the sack’ around 9PM, setting the alarm for 4:30AM so I can be out running by around 5AM.  Wonder if some of the neighbors who light fireworks until 11PM or later would like me yelling and screaming waking them up as I’m starting by morning run.



        • #34686

          Do it. This is how I feel when we are camping and people are up until 4am partying. If my kids happen to wake up at 7am and be loud, too bad. 

    • #34664
      2 1

      Per your last thought, I feel the same way about the same folks owning guns.

    • #34666
      Tony (admin)

      I think it’s fun, BUT… I have a 4 year old. His bed time is way before the fireworks start.  So last night he was all wired and up until about 10:30 which sucked.

    • #34672

      I agree. So glad to be out of Utah. Sitting here in Oregon and it’s as quiet as a Tuesday night in Sept. it’s fantastic. 

    • #34675
      Tony (admin)

      I think a lot of the predominant, um, group here are pyros. 

      • #34676

        I’m LDS and this is absolute fact. LDS Utahns are a bunch of rednecks, not in the same vein as typical southern rednecks, but in our own way. One of those LDS Utahn redneck traits is pyromania. When I was growing up in California, I went through boy scouts in a non-LDS troop, and while we had our share of pyros there (hey, we’re talking about 12 year old kids here), it’s nothing like what I’ve seen as I’ve (unfortunately) been associated with boy scouts in Utah. Even the adult leaders are pyros here.

        For the life of me, I’ll never understand why LDS people are so heavily patriotic American. It’s like we don’t understand our own history. America didn’t want us. America hated us. America did nothing about the Missouri extermination order against us. America turned a blind eye to the violence the pioneers suffered. The pioneers came to Utah to get out of America! So why are we now nothing more than flag-waving hicks? Yeah, yeah…the Constitution is a divinely-inspired document and whatnot. But it’s not like America follows the Constitution anymore, so what gives?

    • #34710

      ear plugs, homies. ear plugs.

    • #34741

      Glad I’m not the only one who dislikes fireworks. They’re absolutely out of control in my neighborhood (South Jordan, by Daybreak), starting at around 9:30 and continuing until 1:30am. And not just kids throwing firecrackers, there were the huge aerials (the ones that shake my windows when they explode) going off that early in the morning. Really p**ses off those of us who have to wake up at 5:30am for work. I’ve been worthless today.

      One of my neighbors was bragging about how he spent over $4,000 on fireworks last year. I didn’t have the heart to tell him to his face that he’s a gorram moron…should have though.

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