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First Ute Hub User Ban

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    • #8198
      Tony (admin)

      I’ve been lenient and given everyone the same fair chance to participate here. I don’t care what a user has done on another site. Innocent until proven guilty so to speak. Many people have told me that because I allow the moose to run loose here they will not come to the site. Personally I’ve liked many of the posts this cat has penned. Then some are completely out in left field. Others I’ve deleted. Today got a little strange with him posting as at least one other user, so my hand is forced to do my the first user ban here at Ute Hub.

      I actually think he wanted to be discovered. Perhaps it was just a test to see what I would do. I don’t know. Doesn’t matter what his motives are/were.

      So for now I will attempt to ban the mooose. I say “attempt” because this forum engine is pretty weak with regards to security and moderation features. Don’t be surprised if he manages to sneak back in.

      I hate to see him banned because some of his input was great. I’m all for controversy and debate as long as it’s not over the line. But when we start having security issues and spoofed users/posts, that’s the end of it.

    • #8204

      That’s really unfortunate. I had a feeling this might happen. The thing with Moose is that he actually has a very high football IQ. He’s friends with Brian Johnson and a number of people close to Utah football. He has great insights and information – which also gives him a huge advantage when he wants to troll. I’ve rather enjoyed his sports trolling over the years. He has also picked some great board names over the years – SAMUEL THE LAMANITE, Marcroft’s Bare Ass, FRANK_ZAPPA, etc.

      I can really only critique for 2 things. His religious trolling was hit or miss. The “I’m more Mormon than anyone the board” bit was well played but the anti-atheist angle was lazy. He really half-assed that. The other critique is that he goes for the haymaker in round 1 of a 12 round fight. The FRANK ZAPPA account had so much potential. He had a couple of really solid posts to get everyone interested, then he went over the top out of nowhere and got himself banned.

      • #8205

        Thanks hnoseguard, I agree with everything you said. You’re the most knowledgable person about football I’ve come across on this board and the board is lucky to have you. I’ll take a break and re-energize. I haven’t had the energy to troll effectively lately, but I’ll get it back.

        • #8208

          I believe in you Moose.

    • #8209

      I noticed with the update to the main screen I can view his posts despite him being on ignore. I think that might be an issue with the newest update. I am not one so easily offended but he really does nothing to help the site.

      • #8213
        Tony (admin)

        Ignore won’t work on the threaded view (yet), only the core forum areas.

    • #10356

      Hey Tony,

      It’s been 6 months, would you be willing to give Moose another chance? He’s exactly the kind of community sheriff that is needed. Recently, mevsauce was deliberately s**tting up UF.N trying to make it “so vitriolic that it will just be unbearable for anyone to post.” He was run off UF.N and retreated to UB5 instead of here, and there was much rejoicing. Moose called him out on his shenanigans (link below) and put him in his place.

      I know some people are put off by Moose, but I humbly submit to you that there are a couple of great reasons to keep him around.

      1) He’s active and by extension, the board is more active. I don’t think anyone would be against more discussion.

      2) Mevsauce-esque tomfoolery and bulls**t won’t happen when he’s around. You can’t out-mormon the most mormon guy there ever was. Small time, wannabe trolls and pseudo intellectuals will be dealt with accordingly without requiring admin intervention on your part.

      • #23636
        Riot West

        Why do people hate this guy so much?

        • #23637
          Tony (admin)

          I don’t hate or like the guy. I’ve worked very hard on this site and I can’t have a security risk here in the form of spoofing other users, hijacking usernames, using the private message system to harass people etc.

          • #23638
            Tacoma Ute

            Oftentimes I like him when he first gets his way back on a board. It goes south quickly though. It’s too bad. Sometimes his posts are interesting or funny but it goes downhill quickly.

        • #23639

          Outside of the overt racism and misogyny, I’m sure he’s a swell guy.

          A couple years back, he started continually dropping anti-semitic slurs in UFN chat during a game. It got so bad that someone literally made a new chat channel called “NO MOOSE” and everyone migrated over there. Webmonkey banned him “for life” after that incident, but he weaseled his way back in because UFN is such a s**t show now.

          That was pretty much strikes 1 through 3 for me, but I’m sure some people find his particular brand of trolling amusing. I find him to be an embarrassment to the Utah fan base and want nothing to do with him, but suppose YMMV.

    • #10357

      The only suggestion I have on this site is do not let this site become like UFN. In my opinion, it’s a horrible forum that only talks about byu, politics, and the LDS church. I used to go there to see if I could get Ute news but then I realized that it’s so pessimistic, and just bitter sounding about everything. Just my two cents. Please don’t allow this one to get out of hand like that one. I’m not saying ban people like Milo and Twitter, but rather advocate that people simply talk about UTE STUFF!

    • #10363

      Look, I know Moose is a friend to a lot of people, and all of that.

      But when does the bad outweigh the good?

      I had him on ignore from his teenie little stint on here. I have a hard time believing someone who is willing to push the boundaries just to push them could have enough good to outweigh their need to be bad.

      That’s just my two cents.

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