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    • #165857

      Anybody catch the end of the interview with Evan Moore on Bill Riley’s show today when Evan Moore asked in so many words who will be the LBs replacing Nephi and Devan next season? Evan Moore provides good P12 analysis.

      Looking forward to the Spring game. Go Utes!

    • #165859
      Central Coast Ute

      Fill us in…

    • #165860

      No Bill Riley cleared this up right after he came back from a break after the interview ended. They had been talking about Karene Reid earlier and the possibility of Gabe Reid transferring in to play with his brother. And then at the end of the interview Moore asked the question if Nephi Sewell was coming back or not and Riley said he was not. And it came up that his brother could be transferring in and Riley slipped up here because he had Gabe Reid in mind from the earlier conversation. And once Riley realized he had made the mistake, Moore was already talking about something else and Riley didn’t want to interrupt him to clear up the mistake. Long story short, Noah Sewell is not transferring to Utah to take Nephi’s spot.

      Anyone interested can go to the full day episode posted on espn700 and fast forward to the end of the Moore interview to hear the dialogue and then continue listening past the end of the interview and commercial break. When Riley comes back from commercial he clears it up.

      • #165865

        Thanks for clarifying. Only caught the EM segment. LB position is looking solid next season. 

      • #165890
        Central Coast Ute

        I just listened to it and I’m going to have to say that Bill’s explanation is a little weird. Moore asked if Nephi is coming back and Bill said “No he’s off to the NFL, his brother is going to step in and take his spot”. He then says he was speaking about Kerene Reid. So is Reid leaving for the NFL and his brother is taking his spot? He was speaking about Nephi because he is leaving for the NFL. I don’t know why he would say his brother is going to take his spot. If Noah were to transfer, I would think he would have done it already.

    • #165871
      2 6

      Ohhh you’re so suspenseful. Here’s the link for people who don’t need the clowning.

      Sit Down

      Coffees for closers FFS


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